chenyuhan: Otherwise I'm in the wow classic gold buy

Otherwise I'm in the wow classic gold buy

28 Apr 2019 at 23:50

I when we could help colorblind people do it and don't really care about the login screen! Otherwise I'm in the wow classic gold buy no changes camp. It is irrelevant whether anything was"just for technical reason" or is"just a images change". We do not know how changes will affect the"real" vanilla experience. Things will be different anyway, as we're living in a time that is different - so don't alter anything more!?

I think that each and every quality of life feature that came after vanilla, but was as an addon should be cut from WoW Classic and place in preferences menu because addon or something. This would not alter the elysium oroject nighthaven gold game but spare you from going to third party website to search for a particular minor addon like tranparent UI or item comparison some time.

If I remember correctly grouping up increased the drop rate of pursuit items. Maybe not 100% sure but if that's the case are made obvious to gamers in some way as it had been pretty frustrating coming because they needed of the XP / loot for 48, across a participant who refused to group quests.

Multiply that frustration on launch day by 1000x. I won't even care. I will just be pleased to see Vanilla being performed by everybody again.Back at the day people use to open tickets over gear ALL the time. If a hunter was in a bow or gun along with group dropped if the warrior or rogue got it was likely to be a ticket opened.


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