smrtsmith: Star Wars: The Old Republic fans not able to install games

Star Wars: The Old Republic fans not able to install games

15 May 2019 at 21:51


It appears that Star Wars: The Old Republic just cannot catch some slack. Despite being a very good game, many companies are still having frustrating issues with getting the sport running. The latest issue sees an angry percentage of gamers SWTOR Credits US struggling to install the software program at all, with all the game's launcher downloading around 16GB of knowledge, before letting go of and starting again while on an infinite loop.

The "Assets 21" stage on the installation process usually lie at the heart from the trouble, with installations reportedly stopping at that stage. One Australian user allegedly was forced to pay his ISP a surcharge for breaking his bandwidth limit while seeking to install strangely.

According to the multiple threads around the issue, there exists a problem with BioWare's servers sending corrupt data to users. BioWare has stated SWTOR Credits EU it's aware of problems but has not yet given an ETA on any fixes, instead suggesting users download the sport on another computer before transferring files over towards the computer they need to use. Users have fallen up with more elaborate fixes of their very own.

It's a waste that The Old Republic continues to be marred with issues since launch because it overshadows such a good game it's once players can get into strangely.


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