smrtsmith: Path of Exile 2 officially announced during Exilecon

Path of Exile 2 officially announced during Exilecon

25 Nov 2019 at 21:19


A great deal of news happened during the past week, and something of the things we missed was the discharge of Path of Exile 2. The release was announced with the Exilecon conference the other day, and also, they revealed some information about the new game but was without a complete picture. That is to let you know the game is happening.

As of now, the discharge date has not yet been determined, but they also may release the beta version inside the second half of 2020. In the meantime, please benefit from the trailer they can get more favorable game items including Path of Exile Currency from

Path of Exile 2 can be a new seven-story storyline, together with the original Path of Exile campaign. The new storyline and the brand new storyline all result in the same Atlas endgame. Path of Exile 2 retains the many extensions created previously six many introduces new skill systems, upgrade levels, engine improvements, plus much more.

The character in Path of Exile 2 is a new pair of exiles that belong to the same style of the prototype because of the characters inside the original game. As a result, they're able to choose from 19 new sublimation categories which are different from the existing categories which might be still available from the Battle of Exiles. POE Currency Buy on with fast delivery.

Path of Exile 2 introduces the iconic skill system on the next generation of the Path of Exile. Now, the support gem could be inserted directly into the skill gem, eliminating many in the frustrations that exist inside the old system while maintaining every one of the depths in the past. Now you can make six links for every skill made use of by the character.


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