smilutaneous858: Road to Exile: Alien Map Gameplay section1

Road to Exile: Alien Map Gameplay section1

27 Feb 2020 at 01:46


In the road of exile, players will open the map of the other world after clearing all the plots. Players can experience randomly generated maps on sixteen difficulties and start the last exciting and fun adventure. Let ’s take a look at this adventure The specific details now!

Open map of the outside world
Step 1: Complete the sublimation trial
Exiles who want to enter the map of the outer world must pass the test of sublimation.
Step 2: Get the map of the outside world and POE Items.
In scenes above level 58, it is possible to obtain a map of the outer world by defeating the mobs or opening the safe. In story mode, only T1 maps can be obtained. More advanced maps will continue to drop in the map of the outer world.

Some advanced maps need to collect fragments to synthesize, corrupt areas, explore advanced alien maps, and complete predictions to obtain such fragments. Step 3: Use the map device in the Templar Lab to open the map. After completing Chapter 10, the NPC will give you a guided mission to complete the first alien map. Put a map or map fragment into your device to open the portal to the outer world.

After using the random map for the first time, exiles will encounter the master mapper Zana in the Eternal Lab, and Zana will guide the player to explore the outside world. As the exploration continues, the exiles will discover the story behind the map of the outer world, the shaper and Zana.

Alien Illustrations
After talking with the drawing master Zana, the player's map of the outside world will automatically open. On this interface, players can see the progress of the acquisition of their own outside world, and perform various custom map drawing, change the map level or drop. As the level of the explored map rises, exiles can finally enter the T16 map to challenge the highest boss in the other world.

Introduction to Alien Maps
 1.Picture drop and exploration

Starting from the 58-level area of ​​ruthless difficulty, the monster has the opportunity to drop the first level 1 map, allowing players to start exploring the map of the outer world. When the player finishes playing a map, he will unlock a point on the map.

Map drop level rules: General monsters drop + 0 ~ 1 level maps, bosses have a chance to drop +2 level maps.

Map restrictions
1. The player can reach the most basic level 1 diagram.
2. The player can draw a picture that is linked to the picture that is currently playing.
3. Players can play the unlocked maps this season, and the characters unlocked in the same season are counted (the drop level must be observed, and there is no need to be linked to the maps).
4, the legendary map must first be played on his basic map before opening the opportunity to hit the legendary map, for example: you must first play the ancient torture chamber before you have the opportunity to hit the treasure trove of Ouba.

5. Three maps of Victa Square, Planters Manor and Walmi Hall need special channels to obtain.

If poe players want fast and fast strength, then Buy POE Items is essential for players. Different gems can help players enhance different attributes, and they can also greatly enhance their own strength!


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