ming's Blog

Pot modification

Many counterfeit lasers are only designed for low power, such as 5 or 10 mW. These lasers have power enhancement from battery to diode to provide a more powerful beam. The problem with modifying these green laser pointer is that the diodes, their housings, lenses, crystals and even on/off switches are not designed for higher power and temperature. Most improved lasers burn out in a few days and are completely useless, usually in a matter of hours. A simple analogy is to place a 200W ball in a light that is only designed for 25W. The lamp can work, but for a long time before the frame is warped, the installation melts and the light is destroyed.

Lighting performance and entertainment

The laser pointer is a laser shaped like a pen and is designed for both portable and handheld applications. The powerful laser pointer is initially used to project a point or point in the beam that can be used to point an item or object to the viewer, such as during a presentation. As their diffusion and power increase, the use of burning laser pointer has evolved to include applications such as astronomy, architecture.

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