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How to Climb the League of Legends Ladder

In a complex game like League of Legends, where each game amounts to the sum total of thousands of strategic and tactical decisions made by ten individuals, it can be hard to decide what to actually focus on. In today's article with that in mind, here are eight tips for climbing the ladder, which should help you push for your next desired rank.

Firs. Pick a role and stick with it

The first thing a good LoL Account player should do is find a desired role. League of Legends is a difficult game, and by learning one of the five roles out there on the Rift, you reduce the material that you have to learn. It’s better to become great at a single role than it is to become mediocre at all five – no one wants a jack of all trades, master of none, right? If you have a difficult time choosing a role that fits you, give them a try out in Normal games. When there’s no pressure with Ranked, you’ll be able to get into the groove a whole lot easier.

Try to watch streamers that play at the highest level to see what you can become once you get good at your chosen position. Maybe you have a role-model player, someone you'd like to be as good as. Choosing a main position is one of the first things you should do in order to start the climb; but don’t switch roles too frequently as you risk setting yourself back several steps – you might have to relearn a lot of key mechanics just to grasp the basics again.

Second. Cultivate a small champion pool

It’s better to have a small champion pool that you really know well, than a really big one where you’re stretching yourself to remember the specifics of each champion. Knowing damage trades, interactions and match-ups is an important skill to have, and by limiting the number of champions you play, you’ll have a stronger grasp of the knowledge you need to effectively play your desired champion.

Take for example, the support role: a good champion pool would look like Alistar, Janna and Braum. All of these champions have different tool sets, but any of these three will always be useful, no matter what your team composition is like. Being able to round out team comps with a single pick is a great skill to have and will help you win games. One-tricking (playing just a single champion) is an option too. However, if your champion is good in the current meta, expect them to get banned. It’s better to have a few champions than just one, so you can always fall back on playing something else if your main gets banned.

Third. Read the patch notes

One simple but effective way to inform yourself about the game is to keep tabs on the patch notes. Too often players don’t read the notes and have no idea what new champions do or what changes have been made to the game. Keeping up with the news is almost as important as learning your champions. You always need to keep on top of the game, and gather as much information you can, as one patch you might find your favourite champion nerfed to oblivion – and that won’t help you with your ladder climb.

Fourth. Use the practice tool

The practice tool is there for a very good reason; so make the most of it. Riot gave us the practice tool to learn champions and it’s a great way to learn combos or improve your CSing. Is there some cool new interaction that was just discovered online? Jump into the practice tool and try it out without feeding in your Ranked games.

Practice tool games can be created in less than a minute and can be closed at any time. It takes very little effort and there’s a lot to gain. If you have all the champions, it might be a good idea to jump into the practice tool with each and every one of them to see how they work. Knowing how other champions work, or what their weaknesses are, will help you a lot once you have to play against them in your ranked games.

Fifth. Try not to tilt

Now this is one of the most important tips when playing, and it’s easy to overlook. Tilting is getting angry at the game, and playing while tilted is the worst thing you can do since it will definitely have a direct impact on your playing, and will surely decrease your overall win rate. Sometimes it’s important to take a break from the game in order cool down, reflect on your playing and see where you’re going wrong. A general rule of thumb is that you should take a break after losing two games in a row. Do something else for a while, like going outside or playing a different game. Tilt is a downward spiral and recognising when to take a break will help you increase your win percentage.

Sixth. Watch your replays

The replay system was highly sought after by the community for years, and when Riot finally released it, people were ecstatic. Watching replays will help you spot the mistakes that you’re making in-game. Sometimes it’s hard to see what you did wrong at a particular moment, and that’s where the replay system comes in. Load up the replay of the game you just lost and fast-forward to the particular moment that you made a mistake. Think about what you could have done differently.

Checking out your replays is handy for anyone in any ELO rank; Bronze players might make more obvious mistakes than Platinum players, but both play far from perfect. While watching a replay, note down the mistakes you make and try and think about them during your next game, so that you won’t make the same mistake again.

Seventh. Don’t die

So you’re in-game and you see a low health Riven trying to farm CS in the top lane. You don’t have any vision but you feel like you can take her down. You go in and suddenly, the enemy jungler collapses on you from the river and you die. Sound familiar? Dying is probably the worst thing that you can do in League of Legends. You give the enemy laner gold and you can’t farm for the duration that you’re dead and waiting to respawn. Of course, it sounds pretty obvious to not die in-game, but sometimes, it's easier said than done – but you do have options.

Staying alive in-game is more important than trying to kill the enemy. Some people think that the only way to build an advantage is through killing your opposing laner, but this is simply not true. For example, a top laner could pressure the enemy jungler, or simply farm more, while a midlaner can roam to both the top and bot lanes to apply pressure on the towers. Trying to go all-in your enemy laner all the time might look cool, but it’s risky and there are other, safer ways, to create an advantage – ones that don’t leave you out for the count.

Eighth. Dedicate yourself

In order to climb the rankings, you need to put in the effort, and that means playing often and finishing games in order to learn the mechanics and let the ELO system do its job. You don’t need to play 10 games a day; but if you aim for 10-15 games a week, you should start to see progress. In the beginning, try to rotate your three chosen champions out every week so that you get enough practice with every single one of them. Be kind to people that you meet in your games and take enough breaks to keep a healthy state of mind; it’s all down to you.

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