skeily: Is laser hair removal suitable for me?

Is laser hair removal suitable for me?

27 May 2019 at 05:26

IPL and laser hair removal methods can be very effective, but unfortunately, they are not for everyone. It's important to understand whether this method of reducing hair is right for you before starting treatment to prevent you from wasting time and money.


When assessing skin tone, the doctor uses something called the Fitzpatrick Scale. This is a scale that takes into account your genetic predisposition and how your skin responds to sun exposure. The scale ranges from type I to type IV. Type I skin contains very little melanin and is therefore prone to burns, while Type IV skin contains more melanin and is, therefore, darker in color and does not burn.

To find out how to evaluate your skin type, click here.

Practitioners using the Fitzpatrick scale can not only determine if laser and IPL hair removal are right for you, but also determine its effectiveness and settings.

The Fitzpatrick scale has a lower score and has dark hair that is most sensitive to laser and IPL hair removal. Since the skin absorbs more light energy, the effect of the V-shaped skin is significantly less pronounced. Type IV skin is not suitable for laser or IPL hair treatment because it can cause burns and absorb a lot of light.


Just as different skin tones react differently to light, the color of the hair absorbs light differently. This is also due to the amount of melanin (pigment) they contain. White and gray hair contains no melanin, red and gold hair contains a small amount of melanin, and dark brown and black hair contain more. The more melanin the hair contains, the better the laser hair removal because they absorb the lightest energy. Therefore, people with deeper hair will find better results than those with lighter hair and require less treatment to achieve the same effect. Unfortunately, blonde hair and red hair are less likely to be fully affected by light-based hair removal methods.


When you should not have a laser or IPL hair removal

Laser and IPL hair removal methods are not suitable for anyone. You must be aware that any of the following statements are applicable to you, as the use of laser hair removal machine techniques can cause serious damage to you.


Pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to get pregnant.
Implants such as contraceptive implants are used in the treatment of underarms.
Autoimmune diseases include lupus, scleroderma or vitiligo
Flash-induced epilepsy or seizures
Herpes / cold sore
Highly sensitive to pain
Raised moles
Recent sunburn or tanning
Hard wound
Suspicious legion.
Recently used the following drugs last year
St. John's Grass

What are the side effects of IPL and laser hair removal?

The side effects of IPL or laser hair removal are usually short-term and mild. These side effects usually pass within 24 hours, but some may last for a few days after treatment.

Pain or discomfort

Laser and IPL hair removal can be uncomfortable, and customers often compare it to the skin with an elastic band. This usually doesn't last long and usually disappears within a few hours.

Skin allergies

Temporary skin irritation is the most common side effect and can manifest itself in a number of different ways, such as tingling, discomfort, swelling, redness, and itching. This usually doesn't last longer than a few hours, just like other hair removal methods, don't worry. Try not to scratch or scratch the skin at this time because it will be more delicate.


The nature of the method used means that the skin should not burn when the hair is burned off at the hair follicle. However, although unlikely, it is still possible. Treat any burn as if it were a sunburn and note that it is more sensitive to the sun until it heals. Keep burns clean and minimize the risk of infection, especially if they appear blisters or scars.


Diode laser hair removal causes scars to be very rare, but it is still possible. Moisturizes skin for days and weeks after treatment.

Pigment change
Sometimes you will encounter some pigment changes. For example, dark hair may turn golden or gray. In rare cases, hair growth may increase.


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