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МВФ выделил рекордную сумму на восстановление экономики

Это историческое решение — самое крупное распределение SDR в истории МВФ и прививка для мировой экономики во время беспрецедентного кризиса», — подчеркнула Георгиева.To get more news about акции, you can visit official website.
  Средства будут переведены странам-членам фонда пропорционально квотам. Из $650 млрд государствам с формирующимся рынком и развивающимся странам будет направлено $275 млрд.
  Выделение средств «послужит на благо всех государств-членов, поможет удовлетворить долгосрочную глобальную потребность в резервах». Оно укрепит доверие и усилит устойчивость мировой экономики, говорится в заявлении МВФ.
  Согласно июльскому прогнозу МВФ, мировая экономика в этом году вырастет на 6%, в следующем — на 4,9%. Для развивающихся стран прогноз снижен на 0,4 процентного пункта — до 6,3%.

Interactive Brokers Reports a 24% Yearly Increase in August DARTs

The US-listed brokerage also noticed an increase in its client accounts during August.To get more news about Interactive Brokers Reports a 24% Yearly Increase in August DARTs, you can visit official website.
  Interactive Brokers LLC (NASDAQ: IBKR) has released on Wednesday its monthly brokerage metrics for August 2021, noticing a surge in the Daily Average Revenue Trades (DARTs) on a yearly basis. According to the press release shared with Finance Magnates, the firm saw 2.170 million DARTs in August, which is 24% high than 2020 figures, and 8% lower than last month.
  Also, when it comes to client-related numbers, ending client equity was $364.6 billion, which is 53% higher than last year and 4% up from the prior month. Furthermore, Interactive Brokers‘ ending client margin loan balances hit $49.7 billion in August – 63% higher than 2020 and 4% higher than July. Regarding the clients’ accounts, 1.49 million were created in August, which is 57% higher than last years number and 3% higher than last month.
  Continuing with the DARTs, Interactive Brokers reported 329 annualized average cleared DARTs per client account. Its key products for the period were stocks with an average commission per cleared commissionable order of $1.68 and an average order size of 1,962 shares, followed by equity options with $3.46 and 6.3 contracts, respectively.
  July Report
  For July, the US-listed brokerage reported a total client DARTs for the month of 2.36 million, which is a decline of 4% when compared to the previous month, but 32 percent higher than the same month in the last year. When it comes to clients, Interactive Brokers gained more than 37,200 new traders in the month, taking the total number of traders on the platform to over 1.45 million. The new client intake figure is 32% higher than in June, but it gained marginally by only 1% from July 2020.
Recently, Interactive Brokers announced the official launch of a Mastercard prepaid card for Canadian customers. Investors in the country could handle all the transactions through their IB account balances. Also, users who get the prepaid card could receive benefits, such as purchasing power and cash withdrawals to the full suite of features available to IB Canada clients.

Strategies to Trade Profitably During the Economic Crisis

Nationwide lockdowns, shortages of medical supplies and other important products, and interruptions in normal supply chain operations have many traders, both new and experienced, scrambling to adjust their trading strategies during the pandemic.To get more news about Economic Crisis, you can visit official website.
Making solid forecasts for opening positions, targeting which markets to focus on, and determining what news to believe and act on has all become extremely problematic during the crisis. Making matters worse is the threat of a “second wave” once many countries end their quarantines and try to return to normal.
  Nobody wants to downplay the seriousness of the Covid 19 crises and the subsequent consequences. However, as traders we need to find a way to turn a bad situation into a profitable one in order to maintain our livelihoods and reach our financial goals. To that end, here are some strategies we have put together on ways to trade profitably by identifying which markets are being affected in regards to developments in the pandemic.
Filter Your News
  News about the Coronavirus, Covid 19, and other related terms is not equal. We have all heard the term “fake news” enough in recent years to understand that not all information that we get is accurate. However, and more importantly, it is best to also understand that some news matters much more than others when it comes to trading during the pandemic.
  While we might be interested locally in live advisories of the coronavirus in India, Russia, or whatever locale we live in, the stark reality is that markets dont really care about most of these geos. The two most important areas to watch in regards to news are the United States and China with the EU, Japan, and South Korea a ways behind them.
  Here are some sources that will definitely have an impact on markets when releasing information about the spread of the Covid 19 virus, mortality rates, concerns, and even optimism:
  The World Health Organization (WHO) — Despite the spectacular failures of this organization before and during the pandemic, when they make announcements, markets listen.
  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the U.S. — Also riddled with controversy with their response, but U.S. economic policy regarding the pandemic is directly tied to the numbers and info produced by this organization.
  Any OFFICIAL Chinese government announcement of negative virus news in the country. If the news is bad enough that the Chinese government will actually admit it, then it is worth noting. Don‘t buy into Western media’s allegations about how many infected people there are in China. While it may be true, it doesnt matter to markets.
  Official agreements announced by OPEC+ regarding limits on production amongst its members. More on this in the next section.
Economic “engines” form the support of general economic well-being. Experienced traders know this, which is why they monitor their Economic Calendars year round regardless of the Covid 19 issue. However, it is even more important to keep an eye on this small list of indicators to give you an edge in trading during the pandemic and as the world transitions back towards normality.
  Oil storage levels. Oil is the key ingredient in the world economy. Every week, the U.S. announces their current crude oil inventories. This is important news because the U.S. is the largest consumer of oil in the world and China is second. If inventories are increasing or staying the same, it means the U.S. industrial and consumer machine isnt improving and that means less sales in EVERYTHING and not just oil.
  Chinese manufacturing data. If the U.S. is buying it, a large chunk of it is being made in China. China needs resources to produce, but won‘t produce if the U.S. isn’t buying. Its a symbiotic relationship but often one or the other increases first. It is very possible that China will restart its economic engine before the U.S.
U.S. employment data. The single largest hit to the world economy is the lack of employment for millions of American consumers. When they buy less, the world makes less. In spite of the efforts by the U.S. government to assist, the fact is that Americans arent making as much money. When/if the employment numbers change, it will indicate opportunities to trade on that news.


その他、8月に真相公開に投稿増加しているは海外FX会社は下記であり、詳細は本文最後のブローカーページをご確認ください。To get more news about FX詐欺, you can visit official website.
  WikiFXは、FX業者の信頼性に関する情報を収集・公開している第三者プラットフォームです。情報提供されているFX業者は全世界で2万社を超え、「真相公開」のページでは実際に詐欺に遭ったトレーダーからの被害報告が日々投稿されています。 今まで使ったことのないFX業者を利用する際は、入金前にWikiFXのアプリでライセンスの取得状況や評判を確認することを強く推奨しています。 また、WikiFXでは為替ニュースからテクニカル指標の使い方まで、トレーダーに有益な情報を日々発信し、コンテンツは全て無料で閲覧できるので、是非上のリンクからダウンロードしてチェックしてみてください。

Pandemi Covid-19 membuat anak muda banyak yang men

Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat, angka pengangguran meningkat selama pandemi Covid-19. Peningkatan pengangguran tersebut didominasi masyarakat dengan usia produktif.To get more news about Ekonomi Indonesia, you can visit official website.
  Tingkat pengangguran terbuka di kelompok anak muda antara usia 20 tahun-24 tahun tercatat 17,66% pada Februari 2021, naik dibanding Februari 2020 sebesar 14,3%. Sementara pengangguran terbuka di kelompok usia 25 tahun-29 tahun sebesar 9,27% pada Februari 2021, meningkat dibandingkan Februari 2020 yang sebesar 7,01%.
  “Pengangguran selama pandemi ini yang menjadi catatan adalah pengangguran di usia muda yang cukup tinggi, terutama di kelompok muda,” kata Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Margo Yuwono dalam rapat kerja dengan Komisi XI DPR RI, Senin (30/8).
  Selain itu, Margo mengatakan, jika dilihat dari posisi pendidikan, masyarakat dengan pendidikan SMA dan lulusan perguruan tinggi justru paling banyak menganggur. Ia mengatakan, biasanya pengangguran dengan edukasi yang baik maka tuntutannya akan banyak, sehingga hal ini menjadi persoalan sosial yang harus dipikirkan.
  Dengan bertambahnya tingkat pengangguran tersebut, pada 2021 penduduk miskin bertambah menjadi 10,4% dari 9,78% pada 2020. Sementara penduduk miskin ekstrem meningkat dari 3,8% tahun 2020 menjadi 4% tahun 2021.
  Margo menyebutkan, tingkat kemiskinan ekstrem tertinggi tersebut berada di pulau Jawa, antara lain Jawa Barat, Jawa Timur, dan Jawa Tengah.
  “Hal ini menjadi catatan penting bagi kita sehingga perlu diperhatikan kemiskinan ekstrem yang meningkat ini, meskipun peningkatannya secara persentase cukup rendah,” imbuh Margo.


Theo thông tin trên website chính thức, sàn Atmos Market giới thiệu là một nhà môi giới tài chính sử dụng công nghệ STP-ECN, cung cấp các dịch vụ giao dịch nhanh chóng, ổn định, an toàn và đáng tin cậy. Tuy nhiên, Atmos Market chỉ sở hữu duy nhất chứng chỉ hoạt động tại Canada, các thông tin khác như giấy phép, địa chỉ kinh doanh… về sàn môi giới này chưa minh bạch.To get more news about lừa đảo BO forex, you can visit official website.
  Sàn Atmos Market không được quản lý bởi bất cứ cơ quan tài chính nào, và cũng như công khai các thông tin liên hệ hỗ trợ tại Việt Nam.
  Giao dịch Forex là việc là trao đổi một loại tiền tệ này với một loại tiền tệ khác với mong muốn tỷ giá giữa cặp tiền này sẽ thay đổi và giá trị đồng tiền bạn bán ra sẽ có giá hơn so với lúc mua vào. Việc mua và bán tiền tệ có thể thực hiện bất cứ đâu, chỉ cần máy tính/điện thoại/máy tính bảng có thể truy cập Internet. Mục đích chính của nhà đầu tư (Trader) khi tham gia vào thị trường tài chính là để kiếm tiền từ khoản tiền nhàn rỗi.
  Tuy nhiên, nếu tâm lý kiếm lợi nhuận vượt quá mức sẽ rất dễ dẫn đến thất bại và thua lỗ do bản thân nhà đầu tư không kiểm soát được lòng tham. Giao dịch tại những sàn Forex không có giấy phép là rủi ro rất lớn kể bạn là người mới tham gia hay đã là Trader có kinh nghiệm.
Lời khuyên cho những người mới bắt đầu giao dịch, khi đã nhận thấy các dấu hiệu lừa đảo từ sàn môi giới mà bạn đang giao dịch thì tốt nhất là ngưng tất cả các giao dịch lại và tiến hành rút tiền càng sớm càng tốt. Không nên nạp thêm bất kỳ khoản tiền hoặc khoản phí nào mà sàn yêu cầu để được rút tiền.
  Nếu bạn đã cố gắng rút tiền nhưng vẫn không được thì hãy xác định là bạn đã mất số tiền đó, vì những sàn môi giới lừa đảo không sở hữu giấy phép từ các cơ quan/tổ chức quản lý Forex uy tín và không có một cơ quan nào đứng ra bảo vệ hay bồi thường cho bạn.
  Hầu hết các Trader mới đều không đánh giá được tầm quan trọng của việc chọn sàn môi giới. Vì lẽ đó, Trader thường hay tìm hiểu qua loa, hoặc nghe các lời đường mật từ chính IB rồi nghĩ rằng “thử một lần xem sao”. Nhưng khi bị cuốn vào trò chơi, nhìn thấy tiền cứ càng ngày càng bị hao hụt dần, tìm mọi cách nạp tiền để cứu vãn, hy vọng thần may mắn sẽ mỉm cười, để có thể lấy lại được số tiền đã mất. Nhưng tất cả đều “toang” hết! Và tới khi hiểu rõ vấn đề vì sao bị cháy tài khoản, thì ngoài cách lên các trang mạng cảnh báo, một số cá nhân thậm chí viết đơn thư nộp cho cơ quan chức năng, nhưng cuối cùng là tiền của họ vẫn không bao giờ lấy lại được.
Để thoát khỏi những chiêu trò lừa đảo trên thị trường này, hãy tạo thói quen tra cứu thông tin về sàn môi giới, từ giấy phép đến điều kiện giao dịch.
  Thời gian gần đây, WikiFX ghi nhận tố cáo từ các nạn nhân của Atmos Market về vấn đề hệ thống bảo trì không cho rút tiền và không thể liên hệ với đội ngũ của sàn môi giới này.
  “Tôi nạp 200 USD để giao dịch mỗi lần, mới đây tôi muốn rút 710 USD và đã gửi yêu cầu rút tiền cho sàn Atmos Market từ ngày 31/05. Tuy nhiên đến nay lệnh rút tiền luôn trong trạng thái chờ duyệt và tôi không liên hệ hay nhận được bất cứ phản hồi nào từ nhà môi giới này. Tổng tiền tôi nạp vào Atmos Market là 10.000 USD, khoản tiền này giờ xem như mất trắng.” Nạn nhân tố cáo trên WikiFX chia sẻ.
  Anh N.B, một nạn nhân của sàn Atmos Market cũng gặp tình trạng tương tự. “Tôi không thể rút tiền và bị khóa tài khoản. Họ tạo ra nhiều nền tảng giả mạo khác để lừa đảo”
  N.D.A cho biết “Nay sàn nó tự điều chỉnh làm mình cháy tài khoản. Mình đang gồng vài lệnh sell BTC thì bất ngờ giá BTC nhảy vọt lên hơn 40k trong khi giá BTC chỉ dưới 35K.”
“Sau khi yêu cầu rút tiền, Atmos Market gửi e-mail để xác nhận nhưng luôn trong trạng thái đang chờ phê duyệt. Đã hơn 21 ngày rồi vẫn đang chờ phê duyệt và không có liên hệ hoặc phản hồi từ sàn này.” T.M.H gặp tình trạng tương tự.

Oil: OPEC increases to prevent sustained rallies for now – TDS

OPEC+ members agreed to continue the gradual increase in output. With global demand concerns, WTI is set to trade below the $70 level, Bart Melek, Head of Commodity Strategy at TD Securities, reports.To get more news about, you can visit official website.
  OPEC+ increases put a pall on oil rally
  “The crude market will very likely continue to face headwinds from the Delta variant as it will take time for full Pfizer Vaccine approval to increase vaccination rates, while the planned 400k b/d OPEC+ supply increase also removes some supply side support.”
  “With demand lower than expected just weeks ago, it certainly looks like the global crude market will not be as tight as originally thought. Indeed, the previously projected deficits in Q3-2021 will likely turn into modest surpluses.”
  “Crude should have a hard time rallying much above the recent trading range. Any sustained move above the $70/bbl mark, will require more certainty on the demand side and no sudden production increases from Iran.”

AUD/JPY Price Analysis: Bulls face critical resistance near 81.50.

AUD/JPY prints minute gains in the Asian session. The pair hovers in a narrow trade band of 18 pips.To get more news about AUD/JPY, you can visit official website.
  At the time of writing, AUD/JPY is trading at 81.36, up 0.01% for the day.
  On the daily chart, after making a high at 84.19 on July 6, the AUD/JPY cross-currency pair has been under constant selling pressure. The descending trendline from the top acts as a defence for the bulls.
  A break above the intraday high would make AUD.JPY hopeful to test the high of July 16 at 81.94.
  The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator trades in the oversold zone. Any uptick in the MACD could amplify the upside momentum in the pair.
  In doing so, the buyers would test the 82.35 horizontal resistance level followed by the high made on July 13 at 82.82.
  Alternatively, if price starts moving lower, it would march toward the first downside target at the previous sessions low of 80.88.
  In doing so, the price action suggests further downside for the pair in the coming few sessions.
  Next, AUD/JPY bears would target the 80.50 horizontal support level.
  A daily close below the mentioned level would open the gates for the low of August 31 at 80.07.


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New World MMO 3 Factions, Marauders, Covenant and Syndicate

You can join one of the three factions in the new world, but there are significant differences between the three factions. We talked to the developers at BuyNewWorldCoins and told you what the differences exist and what steps Amazon is taking to create a balance between Factions.To get more news about Buy New World Coins, you can visit lootwowgold official website.
By joining such factions, you are bound to them for the entire time your character exists. Only after joining can you join the corresponding guild and participate in the battle of the territory. It is these PvP wars that are at the core of the new world.

However, with factions, you can also easily change your game style and rewards. However, according to game director Scot Lane, there should be no playful disadvantage between the three groups.These are Marauders: Marauders are a bit like pirates. They love freedom more than power. They are strong and value the damage done.
Therefore, if you join Marauders, you will gain an advantage in causing damage.

This is Covenant: Covenant is reminiscent of the Crusaders. They are armored warriors fighting evil on the island of Aeternum. Parliamentary groups play the role of purist heroes.
As a unique feature, as a member of a faction, you can get more heavy armor in the endgame, which is also suitable for factions because they like to fight on the front lines by themselves.

This is Syndicate: Alchemists and magicians of the new world gather in Syndicate. Scot Lane described it as an alternative version of Isaac Newton.What did Amazon do to balance scores? The problem with many PvP games is that one faction dominates another. The New World wants to prevent this from happening because PvP wars in fortresses are an essential part of MMO.

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