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Vào tháng 06/2021, Ban cố sàn ICM Trading với tên miền là thông báo ngưng hoạt động với lý do giao diện trang web cũ, không phù hợp và không bảo mật. Sau đó thông báo nhà đầu tư chuyển qua sàn BLG Market giao dịch. Theo tìm hiểu, website ICMTrading có giao diện khá giống sàn FXTrading Markets được thành lập bởi Lion Team.To get more news about sàn forex scam, you can visit official website.
  Theo thông tin công khai trên website của BLG Market giới thiệu là công ty 4.0 dẫn đầu trên thế giới về giao dịch đầu tư tài chính và hoạt động hợp pháp tại Anh. Tuy nhiên giấy chứng nhận công ty lại là dịch vụ công nghệ thông tin và sàn BLG Market không hề sở hữu bất cứ giấy phép từ cơ quan quản lý tài chính nào tại Anh hay thế giới. Đáng lưu ý đó là hầu hết lượng truy cập website này đều từ Việt Nam. Ngoài ra, BLG Market thông tin liên hệ hay các thông tin khác đều không có.
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  Đợt 2 vào ngày 20/04/2021 cũng chuyển vào stk chị Trần Thị Phỉ số tiền 48.000.000tr ( đổi ra được 2000 USDCM trên sàn ICMtrading) tiếp tục nghe những bánh vẽ từ Chị Nông Ngọc Thủy và sẽ mua được hàng và Bất động sản nhà cửa bằng đô USDCM nên tôi hoàn toàn tin tưởng và vào tiếp đợt 3 vào ngày 22/04/2021 chuyển vào tk chị Trần Thị Phỉ số tiền 480.000.000tr ( đổi ra được 20.000USDCM trên sàn ICMtrading ) và đợt 4 vào ngày 12/05/2021 chuyển vào tk chị Trần Thị Phỉ số tiền 480.000.000tr ( đổi ra được 20.000 USDCM Trên sàn ICMTrading )
Sau đó tôi nhận lãi được 3 lần thì vào tầm tháng 06/2021 SÀN ICMTRADING đóng web bảo trì nhưng không hề có 1 thông báo gì đến các NĐT. Sau đó vài hôm thì chị Thủy nói mất hết dữ liệu khi nâng cấp và yêu cầu các Leader làm lại từ đầu và chuyển đổi qua sàn mới có tên BLG MarKet được chị Thủy quảng cáo là sàn của Anh và có giấy phép hoạt động như hình bên dưới.
Nhưng đến hôm nay vẫn không thanh khoản cho tôi và tôi không còn tiền trang trải cuộc sống cũng như các NĐT khác. Và tôi xin rút Gốc bỏ hết lãi và chấp nhận lỗ thì chị Thủy có hứa trả lại cho tôi 740.000.000tr nhưng đến hôm nay tôi chỉ mới được hoàn lại 100.000.000tr và số còn lại 640.000.000tr vẫn không hẹn tôi được ngày nào giải quyết

DaVinci DC100 electric motorcycle

The electric vehicle market is becoming larger and larger. Of course, more car manufacturers have invested in the development of electric vehicle models. In the two wheel world, everyone is looking for better products to destroy the conflict between performance and endurance mileage. DC100 is such a product. It has the strong strength of accelerating 100 km in 3 seconds, and the endurance mileage can reach the level of 350 km, In addition, this is an intelligent electric motorcycle. It is understood that this is the crystallization of their efforts for seven years. It has a general version of DC100 and a limited number of 50 DC classic models. The latter is made by hand, and the seats are made of French calf leather, but the price is four times more expensive.To get more news about davincitech, you can visit official website.

The motor of this DC100 can output 135hp maximum horsepower, and the peak torque is 850nm. The acceleration performance of 100km is about 3 ~ 4 seconds. It is equipped with a 17.1kwh battery pack. The endurance performance is 357.51km under the condition of wltp. The vehicle can also support fast charging. The vehicle can be fully charged in 30 minutes, and the extreme speed can reach 200km / h, But if the battery is consumed at extreme speed, it will be very fast.

The car adopts an aluminum alloy frame and shell, and the rear is equipped with a single rocker arm system. It looks strange. I don't know if it will be very painful to ride, but the technology and equipment are quite good. The dashboard is your mobile phone. After all, your mobile phone can be connected with the car. Why bother yourself with another dashboard? The brakes are also made by Brembo, With Ohlins shock absorbers, simple equipment such as ABS or tracking anti-skid must be equipped. The vehicle can also realize the automatic balance function with the help of six axle IMU. It is a new generation of locomotive.

There is also a special creep function of creep. When the brake is released and there is no fuel door, the vehicle will slowly move forward at a speed of about 5km / h, which is a bit like our normal driving state. Although the function of locomotive design seems to be of little help, it is always a new breakthrough. In addition, it also has the function of automatic following in addition to the automatic balance of the vehicle, In other words, when you go out on a date today, you suddenly want to get out of the car and walk. You don't need to lead the car at all. The car will always follow you. This function may not be as powerful as expected. We'll take a look at the owner's sharing when the car is delivered.

At present, the price of this DC100 is 27500 US dollars, while the price of the limited DC classic is an amazing 90000 US dollars. Now you can buy it in advance by paying only 150 US dollars. It looks like a Tesla cybertruck model, but the DC100 won't let you wait too long. It is expected to deliver the car in July 2022, while the DC classic will be earlier. You can get the car in April 2022, After all, after spending so much money, it should be enjoyed early.

Davinci DC100, moto elettrica o robot a due ruote?

La cinese Davinci Dynamics ha lanciato la sua Davinci DC100, una moto elettrica ad alte prestazioni con la capacità di autobilanciarsi seguendo il pilota come un robot e con un’impressionante autonomia di 357 km WLTP.To get more news about davinci, you can visit official website.
Davinci DC100 è stata presentata a Pechino con un comunicato e un video. Nulla più.
Perciò ne riportiamo le caratteristiche come semplici promesse, tutte da varificare. Il motore, integrato nella ruota posteriore, avrebbe una potenza di picco di 137 cavalli con coppia massima di 850 Nm. La velocità massima sarebbe di 200 km/h e sarebbe in grado di passare a 0 a 100 km/h in 3 secondi. Il pacco batteria, all’apparenza piuttosto voluminoso, avrebbe una capacità complessiva di 17,7 kWh, il che stride un pò con la grande autonomia sbandierata. La ricarica rapida consentirebbe di passare da 0 all’80% in 30 minuti.

Il sistema di bilanciamento con servosterzo elettronico consentirebbe alla moto di rimanere in equilibrio anche da ferma, senza pilota a bordo, oppure di partire dolcemente alla bassissime velocità al rilascio del freno, senza scarti e oscillazioni. O infine, disponendo di un controllo da remoto via app, DC100 potrebbe raggiungerti a comando come un robot.
Moto robot, i precedenti di Honda e Yamaha
Non è una novità assoluta: sia Honda, con la Riding Assist, sia Yamaha con la MOTOROiD già qualche anno fa presentarono moto robot con l’identica caratteristica (leggi), anche se poi i prototipi non sono mai arrivati sul mercato.
Davinci invece ha già aperto le prevendite per le sue moto robot e afferma di voler arrivare sul mercato entro l’anno prossimo. Prezzo di partenza: 26 mila euro. La messa a punto ha richiesto ?sette anni di duro lavoro?, sfruttando tutte le competenze ingegneristiche dell’azienda specializata nella progettazione di veicoli elettrici anche a quattro ruote.
Nelle fumose affermazioni rilasciate la settimana scorsa si parla anche di un sistema di intelligenza artificale in grado di integrare più motori. In futuro, quindi, potremmo vedere una moto Davinci DC100 con motore anche sulla ruota anteriore?

La ciclistica sembra in ordine: freni Brembo (con ABS), controllo di trazione e ammortizzatori Ohlins. Il DC100 ha un telaio in lega di alluminio monoscocca. La ruota posteriore è dotata di un grande forcellone monobraccio con mono ammortizzatore centrale. Monta pneumatici Pirelli Diablo Rosso III ed è disponibile in due colori: grigio chiaro o arancione brillante.
Davinci promette infine che renderà il codice open-source, ?per consentire agli sviluppatori di software creativi di sviluppare e condividere nuove funzionalità?.
L’azienda ha anche presentato un modello DC Classic naked con batteria scoperta e impreziosita da vistose cromature nonché “sedili in pelle di vitello francese“. Realizzata interamente a mano, sarà prodotta in soli 50 esemplari. Qui il prezzo sale addirittura a 78.000 euro.

5 Facts About Colored Contacts That May Surprise You

Colored contact lenses aren’t just for Halloween anymore. People wear them to make a fashion statement and even to alleviate certain health conditions. Yes, colored contacts can be cool, and they can even be safe to wear. We asked Key-Whitman Eye Center’s Dallas optometrist Martin Faber, O.D., for the inside scoop on this growing trend. Below, Dr. Faber shares five interesting facts about colored contacts that may surprise you. No. 1: Most optometry practices sell colored contacts, and that’s the only place you should go to get yours.To get more news about colored contacts, you can visit official website.
As Dr. Faber explains:

“There are a lot of colored and decorative lenses available on the internet and through resellers who illegally sell colored contacts. These lenses could be trial lenses sold under the table or counterfeit lenses imported from overseas. Many people assume these products are simply accessories and safe to wear. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case.To get more news about colored contacts prescription, you can visit official website.

Only an eye doctor can provide a proper lens fitting, ensure the lenses you purchase are sterile, and train you in proper lens care and wear. Wearing ill-fitting or contaminated contact lenses can lead to painful and unsightly abrasions and infections, even vision loss – so it’s not worth the risk.”To get more news about colored contacts non prescription, you can visit official website.

Learn more about the risks of illegal colored and decorative contact lenses from Dr. Faber in this past story,

No. 2: While they come in a variety of colors and designs, colored contacts are essentially the same as normal prescription contact lenses.

Because only FDA-approved contacts can be legally sold in the U.S., colored contacts need to meet the same strict regulations that normal contacts do.

“There is no difference between the two. FDA-approved colored contacts are simply disposable lenses that have been tinted with color. For example, Air Optics Aqua by Alcon started out as a traditional disposable lens that was later tinted with color. I have some patients who alternate between clear prescription lenses and tinted lenses by the same manufacturer. This makes it easier to switch between the two when the mood strikes,” says Dr. Faber.

Want to schedule a contact lens exam and fitting now? Give us a call at (214) 225-2577, or you can set up an appointment online.No. 3: There are plenty of safe, fun and quirky colored contact lens options available.Dr. Faber is happy to fit patients with colored contacts and encourages people to have fun with them.

“There are a lot of options for tints and oddities available in the colored lens market. Some lenses use transparent tints to give a subtle enhancement of a patient’s natural eye color. These lenses will occasionally change the patient’s color perception. Others are used to change eye color using opaque tints. With these lenses, the center of the lens is clear and a tint is applied to the outer surface of the lens. The opaque tints can produce a dramatic change in one’s eye color.”


Sports content provider LiveScore has struck a deal to broadcast all the remaining matches in Italy’s Serie A, marking the platform’s first ever live streaming offering. To get more news about lives score, you can visit official website.

LiveScore, which offers real-time sports updates and results, will launch its own free-to-air OTT offering where it will show remaining football games from Italy and Portgual’s Primeira Liga for UK users.

The free streaming service will be integrated within the existing LiveScore iOS and Android applications, which boast a global audience of 56 million monthly active users, including 2 million in the UK alone. It is being supported by OTT specialists StreamAMG, who will provide the technology to enable a fully integrated video product within the existing applications.

A deal was agreed by Saran Media Group, on behalf of LiveScore, with Premier Sports, which owns the rights to show Serie A games. The deal also included rights to air a third of all remaining Primeira Liga games.

Ric Leask, marketing director at LiveScore, said: “We’re excited to celebrate the return of football by providing live free-to-air streaming on LiveScore for the very first time. This is a hugely important step for LiveScore, as we continue to innovate and offer our audience the most immersive sports coverage possible.

“Serie A and Primeira Liga are two of the most popular and keenly followed European leagues amongst our 2 million monthly users within the UK and Ireland, so this is a fantastic opportunity to give something back to our loyal userbase. After a long wait for top-level football to return, this is a brilliant start for our new live streaming service.”Live football is making a return across Europe, with the English Premier League set to return tonight (17 June). Portugal’s league returned earlier this month, whilst Italy’s Serie A domestic league will restart this weekend on Saturday 20 June 20 as Torino host Parma.

Jets vs. Panthers Live Score Updates

After a long offseason, the New York Jets are back in action, kicking off the regular season on Sunday afternoon against the Carolina Panthers.To get more news about lives score, you can visit official website.

It took Gang Green 15 weeks to secure their first win of the 2020 regular season. Will rookie Zach Wilson and first-year head coach Robert Saleh secure their first win right away, spoiling former Jets quarterback Sam Darnold's shot at revenge?

This game has the potential to be a shootout, close until the very end. In fact, in our prediction for how this game will go, we can see this one coming down to the final few minutes in a one-score affair.To get you ready for kickoff, here's the rest of our coverage at Jets Country leading up to Sunday afternoon's game. New York is missing a few key pieces on offense while the defense is going to have their hands full defending Carolina's playmakers.

Nothing doing for either team on their first drives. Sam Darnold is finding Christian McCaffrey early and often, though. As expected, the dangerous running back could have a huge game out of the backfield.

Punter Braden Mann is questionable to return with a knee injury. He came up limping after landing awkwardly on his left knee on his first punt of the day.

New York isn't missing him, though. Kicker Matt Ammendola, making his NFL debut, has done an incredible job filling in for Mann, launching two booming punts.This game is still scoreless after Sam Darnold fumbles a handoff on the four-yard line, giving New York the ball back after a productive drive.

Now the Jets turn the football over as Zach Wilson throws an ill-advised pass over the middle that was intercepted by Shaq Thompson. First mistake of the day for the rookie After a field goal for the Panthers, Sam Darnold launches a 57-yard touchdown to Robby Anderson deep down the middle. Makes the Jets secondary pay.

Sam Darnold rushes a touchdown five yards up the gut right before halftime. Darnold has been dominant. The Jets are struggling.

Zach Wilson has his first NFL touchdown. Wilson rolled out to his right, finding Corey Davis in the end zone for the score. Then, Wilson scampered home to cap off the best drive of his career thus far on a two-point conversion.

Panthers kicker Ryan Santoso drills another field goal to put the Panthers back up by two scores. Wilson and the Jets are running out of time.New York isn't done yet! Zach Wilson drives down the field again, finding Corey Davis for another score from eight yards out. The two-point conversion was no good, though.

Living with face masks: How to stow them, reuse disposables and more

Now that wearing a mask to the mall, to the hairdresser and to school will be a regular occurrence for the next two years or more, a lot of questions have arisen about how it will fit into our busy lives.To get more news about famous mask wholesale, you can visit official website.

Masks have recently become mandatory indoors in many cities across Canada and in the entire provinces of Quebec and Nova Scotia. The Public Health Agency of Canada is also recommending masks in schools for children over age 10, something that some provinces have already mandated.
You've probably seen lots of people doing this as they move back and forth between indoor spaces where masks are typically required and outdoors spaces where they're not.

Is this safe?

"No, that is probably the worst thing you could do with the mask," Dr. Zain Chagla, a professor and infectious disease specialist at McMaster University in Hamilton, said in a recent interview with CBC News.That's because it risks getting droplets or germs on the outside of the mask onto your chin and lower lip, he says. "You're basically putting all that stuff in your mouth and defeating the purpose of wearing a mask."

And of course, pulling the mask down often involves touching the front of it, which is not recommended, as it could contaminate your hands. (Remember that you should only hold the mask by the ear loops and wash your hands before and after).

The virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to be transmitted when infectious droplets enter through the eyes, nose or mouth.Dr. Anand Kumar, a professor of medicine at the University of Manitoba, says that depends on the level of risk it's been exposed to.

"As a physician, given the exposure I get in the hospital, I probably wouldn't do it," he says.

Dr. Lynora Saxinger, an associate professor at the University of Alberta's Division of Infectious Diseases in Edmonton, has previously recommended against it, too.

But Kumar acknowledges that the risk of infection in most public places in Canada is currently low, and if you were wearing a mask in a low-risk environment, it's probably OK to leave it hanging from the mirror overnight to wear the next day. That said, ideally you should change and wash your mask after each use.The federal government recommends storing your face mask in a paper bag, envelope, or something that won't retain moisture if you will be wearing it again.

Kumar notes that a plastic bag isn't recommended because it keeps moisture in, which could allow bacteria to grow on the mask.He says the proper way to way to carry a mask with you is in a paper bag. However, he acknowledged this can be awkward, and said in places where the risk is low, it's OK to put the mask in your pocket.

On the other hand, Kumar says in a higher-risk environment, such as a community with outbreaks, it's best to keep the mask on at all times, even when you're outside between buildings.

Surgical mask facts: Why the blue side should always face out

Global health experts have been stressing the importance of wearing masks to protect against the novel coronavirus for months, but apparently one Kardashian hasn’t kept up.To get more news about famous type I mask price, you can visit official website.

Kourtney Kardashian reportedly took to social media recently to share a false claim that surgical masks can cause cancer. The 41-year-old reality star shared the unsourced misinformation on her Instagram story that said the blue masks are “made of PTFE, a carcinogen made of synthetic fluoride” which can increase the risk of certain cancers and cause flu-like symptoms or “hemorrhaging of the lungs.” (PTFE is also known as Teflon, the same Teflon you see in non-stick frying pans.)

Doctors were quick to call BS on Kardashian’s ridiculous post, saying that pedalling such misinformation to millions of followers is incredibly dangerous. While surgical masks are often made out of polypropylene, according to fact-checking organization Full Fact, PTFE is used in some masks. However, it is incredibly unlikely to cause illness during normal use.

Dr. William Cance, the chief medical and scientific officer of the American Cancer Society, told Refinery29 that “there is no evidence to support the claim that the presence of PTFE in a mask causes cancer.”

“As a surgical oncologist, I, along with thousands of colleagues in the healthcare profession, have been wearing masks for years to protect patients from the spread of infections,” he said. Some people worry that the carbon dioxide that comes from exhaling your own breath gets trapped in a mask, meaning you breathe in bad CO2. But we’ve said it before and we will say it again: wearing a mask will not make you sick. Medical workers have been wearing surgical masks for years — for hours at a time — with no adverse health outcomes, as the Mayo Clinic points out.

Hypercapnia is the medical term for breathing in CO2, and mild symptoms include dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue and headache. Experiencing hypercapnia, however, is not going to happen from wearing your mask in day-to-day life. Research has found that masks are unlikely to cause overexposure to carbon dioxide — even in patients with lung disease.Even though surgical masks may look like there’s no wrong way to wear them, there is. There’s a little metallic nose strip on one side of the mask, which should be placed over the nose and pressed onto it to mold the mask into shape. Once the mask’s ear loops are secured on your ears, pull the bottom of the mask down so it fully covers your mouth (and still nose!) and sits under your chin. Properly wearing surgical masks offers the most protection.

Make sure to have the pleats of your mask pointing down as well. Pleats pointing up create a pocket where droplets could get trapped in.

Global health experts have been stressing the importance of wearing masks to protect against the novel coronavirus for months, but apparently one Kardashian hasn’t kept up.To get more news about famous type I mask price, you can visit official website.

Kourtney Kardashian reportedly took to social media recently to share a false claim that surgical masks can cause cancer. The 41-year-old reality star shared the unsourced misinformation on her Instagram story that said the blue masks are “made of PTFE, a carcinogen made of synthetic fluoride” which can increase the risk of certain cancers and cause flu-like symptoms or “hemorrhaging of the lungs.” (PTFE is also known as Teflon, the same Teflon you see in non-stick frying pans.)

Doctors were quick to call BS on Kardashian’s ridiculous post, saying that pedalling such misinformation to millions of followers is incredibly dangerous. While surgical masks are often made out of polypropylene, according to fact-checking organization Full Fact, PTFE is used in some masks. However, it is incredibly unlikely to cause illness during normal use.

Dr. William Cance, the chief medical and scientific officer of the American Cancer Society, told Refinery29 that “there is no evidence to support the claim that the presence of PTFE in a mask causes cancer.”

“As a surgical oncologist, I, along with thousands of colleagues in the healthcare profession, have been wearing masks for years to protect patients from the spread of infections,” he said. Some people worry that the carbon dioxide that comes from exhaling your own breath gets trapped in a mask, meaning you breathe in bad CO2. But we’ve said it before and we will say it again: wearing a mask will not make you sick. Medical workers have been wearing surgical masks for years — for hours at a time — with no adverse health outcomes, as the Mayo Clinic points out.

Hypercapnia is the medical term for breathing in CO2, and mild symptoms include dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue and headache. Experiencing hypercapnia, however, is not going to happen from wearing your mask in day-to-day life. Research has found that masks are unlikely to cause overexposure to carbon dioxide — even in patients with lung disease.Even though surgical masks may look like there’s no wrong way to wear them, there is. There’s a little metallic nose strip on one side of the mask, which should be placed over the nose and pressed onto it to mold the mask into shape. Once the mask’s ear loops are secured on your ears, pull the bottom of the mask down so it fully covers your mouth (and still nose!) and sits under your chin. Properly wearing surgical masks offers the most protection.

Make sure to have the pleats of your mask pointing down as well. Pleats pointing up create a pocket where droplets could get trapped in.

Online claims misrepresent how to wear a surgical mask

CLAIM: The proper way to wear a medical mask is with the colored side on the outside if you are sick and don’t want to spread your germs and with the white side out if you’re not sick and want to stop germs from getting in. To get more news about famous nonmedical mask stock, you can visit official website.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Medical officials say the colored side of the mask should be worn on the outside away from your face regardless if you are sick or healthy.

THE FACTS: Social media users have been sharing the false claim since January, but it recently gained prominence in the U.S. as more Americans consider wearing face masks in the effort to protect themselves from the new coronavirus. Dr. Seto Wing Hong, co-director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control, said in January that the correct way to wear a mask is with the blue side on the outside facing away from your face and the white side on your face.

“You see it has the blue color on the outside because it is waterproof and then you have white on the inside because it is absorbent,” he said. “So, if I cough, it absorbs it.”

Surgical face masks like the one shown with the false claim online typically have a blue side and a white side.

One post on Twitter with the false claim had 80,000 likes. The post shows a document from someone who says they went to a doctor’s office and a nurse taught them how to properly wear a medical mask depending if they are sick or healthy. The document includes two photos of women wearing masks.

“Colored side out if you are sick and do not want to spread your germs around. White side out (this is the filter part) for when you’re not sick and you want to stop germs from getting in,” the document reads.

The post then goes on to say that the nurses at the doctor’s office never knew how to wear the masks properly either until their supplier sent them the proper directions.

The San Francisco Department of Public Health includes information on its website on how to put on and remove a face mask.

Mask Shortage Straps Pharmacists Who Need Them To Keep Medicines Pure

Pharmacy staff who prepare IV drugs inside hospitals are the latest health care workers decrying a shortage of masks as they scramble to prepare medicines for patients with diagnoses ranging from cancer to COVID-19.To get more news about type IIR mask factory, you can visit official website.

The staff wear surgical masks while preparing liquid medications that are to be injected into patients' veins; the point is to avoid inadvertently exhaling any droplets of saliva into the formulas. That's a crucial step in ensuring that the medication remains sterile. In addition, pharmacists need N95 respirator masks to protect themselves as they counsel patients in hospitals.

But pharmacists tend to be, perhaps understandably, behind front-line medical providers who are treating COVID-19 patients as supplies of both types of scarce protective masks are being doled out.The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists surveyed about 400 members about the shortages.

"I can tell you we had some very concerned members who indicated that they're in danger of running out," said Michael Ganio, a pharmacist and director of pharmacy practice and quality with the pharmacists group. "Over half said their institution has implemented a conservation plan. It's something that's very concerning."Medications that require sterile preparation include those needed for treating COVID-19 patients, such as medications to calm, sedate or paralyze patients on a mechanical ventilator. Other medicines in that category supply IV nutrition or boost the blood pressure of patients who develop sepsis or shock.

Geriatric and pediatric patients are also frequent recipients of sterile compounded medications because they need doses tailored to their weight, or have age-related health problems that require specially made medicine they can tolerate.

The survey of hospital pharmacists, released Thursday, found that 15% of them have already seen a "major or moderate" disruption in surgical mask supplies. That meant they went without masks or used alternatives with "mixed or poor" results.

Nearly 20% of them reported that mask prices had been marked up compared to prices in December 2019. And 70% of pharmacists said their organizations had already implemented plans to conserve masks.

University of Utah Health Hospitals are still receiving masks. But pharmacists are reusing masks for sterile drug preparation to conserve the supply for other staff members and patients who need them during the outbreak, said Erin Fox, senior director of drug information and support services at the University of Utah Health Hospitals."That will allow more PPE [personal protective equipment] to be available for front-line emergency department folks that need it way more than we do," she said, adding that there's guidance on how to safely reuse masks.

A tornado that cut through Tennessee this month is making things even more complicated in that state, said Mark Sullivan, the executive director of pharmacy operations for Vanderbilt University Hospital and Clinics in Nashville. That's because it damaged a warehouse that held hospital supplies.

"We are able to get masks," he said Tuesday, though "given the tornado and coronavirus situation, they are obviously in short supply in our area."Vanderbilt University Hospital and Clinics are also following guidelines for conserving masks and other personal protective equipment, like gowns and gloves, as demand has spiked, Sullivan said.

"It's just a tough situation we're all in, trying to make sure front-line folks have what they all need," he said. "And behind the scenes, we're just trying to make sure we have what we need to make safe products for patients."

Before coronavirus became a reality, pharmacists at NYU Langone Health used to change masks and gowns when they went out on break. Now, if that gear isn't soiled, they hang it up in a clean room and reuse it, said Arash Dabestani, the hospital's senior director of pharmacy. His team is also keeping all personal protective equipment in an electronically locked cabinet to control use.

For weeks, hospitals have been getting fewer masks than they ask for from their suppliers. Health care facilities were getting only 44% of the N95 masks and 82% of the surgical masks they ordered, according to a survey released March 2 by Premier, a group-purchasing organization that procures supplies for 4,000 U.S. hospitals and health systems.

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