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據外媒報導,因預期隨著全球經濟反彈,實際利率將恢復正常,貝萊德全球配置基金經理Russ Koesterich賣出了其幾乎所有黃金頭寸。To get more news about 外匯行情, you can visit official website.
  值得一提的是,貝萊德全球固定收益部門的首席投資官Rick Rieder本周在一篇推文中,敦促美聯儲縮減對抵押貸款支持證券(MBS)的購買規模。
  另外,貝萊德宏觀研究主管Elga Bartsch近日表示,PEPP結束後,歐洲央行或加快資產購買計畫步伐。

планирует провести IPO в России и США этой осенью

Источник сообщил газете, что в России биржа планирует разместиться на своей же площадке, а не на Мосбирже. Еще один источник подтвердил намерения биржи выйти на IPO осенью, но усомнился в том, что компания успеет подготовиться, и назвал более вероятным размещение в феврале-марте 2022 года.To get more news about компания, you can visit official website.
  Согласно другому собеседнику, road show может начаться в середине октября, а менеджмент биржи рассчитывает, что ее стоимость составит $1,8–2,5 млрд. Один из источников уточнил, что в ходе IPO биржа предложит 25% капитала компании, в том числе акции действующих акционеров.
  С 2013 года размещения за рубежом проводились отечественными компаниями только через иностранные структуры. Это размещение может стать первым выходом на зарубежную биржу именно российского эмитента акций. Аналитик «Финама» Игорь Додонов уточнил, что операционные доходы «СПБ Биржи» в 2020 году увеличились в 4,6 раза — до 3,3 млрд руб., при этом компания показала прибыль в размере 1,3 млрд руб. после убытка в 2019 году. По словам эксперта, оценка биржи в диапазоне $1,8–2,5 млрд «выглядит существенно завышенной». Но с учетом благоприятной рыночной конъюнктуры и сохраняющейся высокой популярности фондового рынка в России компания вполне сможет разместиться в этом диапазоне.

US Court Orders Florida Man To Pay $2.5M on a Binary Options Fraud Case

The individual's company was also included in the permanent injunction issued by a judge of a US District Court.To get more news about US Court Orders Florida Man To Pay $2.5M on a Binary Options Fraud Case, you can visit official website.
  The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced on Wednesday that a judge from the Middle District of Florida ordered a local man to pay $2.5 million for his role in a binary options fraud. According to the press release, Judge Gregory A. Presnell of the US District Court for the Middle District of Florida issued an order granting a permanent injunction against Ronald Montano and Montano Enterprise LLC.
  The order noted that Montano established a fraudulent scheme asking people via email, websites, and video sales letters to acquire an alleged successfully automated trading system that could trade customers funds in binary options. The individual relied on fake trading results, fabricated testimonials, and the background of the inexistent creators of the existents to make the bogus investment opportunity look like a legitimate one.
  “The order specifically requires Montano and MEL to pay restitution in the amount of $825,000 and a civil monetary penalty of $1.675 million. Montano and MEL are also ordered to cease and desist from further violating the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) and CFTC regulations, from trading on or subject to the rules of any CFTC-registered entity, and from engaging in any activities requiring registration with the CFTC,” the financial watchdog commented.
  Costa Rican Firms Involved in Commodities Trading Fraud
  Also, the CFTC clarified that the courts order comes in the wake of a complaint filed by them on September 27, 2018, charging Montano with solicitation fraud related to binary options trading. “The CFTC cautions victims that restitution orders may not result in the recovery of money lost because wrongdoers may not have sufficient funds or assets,” the CFTC added.
  Yesterday, the US CFTC also filed an enforcement action to charge Rudy Avila, and six firms were allegedly involved in fraudulent solicitation to trade in commodity futures, options on commodities futures, retail off-exchange, misappropriation of funds, and issuing false statements.

Six great ways to learn stock trading in 2021

For new traders who are just starting out, we offer 10 great solutions.To get more news about Basic Trading, you can visit official website.
1. Read books
  Publications are therefore cheap when compared to the costs of workshops, courses, and academic DVDs available over the internet. They also provide success of information (See the best books that every investor should read).
  Many books are available for beginners traders. They include popular strategies of the top experts.
  Technical analysis is a subject that many books cover. It combines all the methods needed to identify trends in stocks and commodities using technical parameters like trend lines, MACD, and Candlestick charts.
2. Find a coach
  One might be a friend, a family member, a teacher or co-worker or someone who has a basic knowledge of the stock market. Great coaches are ready to answer questions, provide assistance, suggest useful assets, and keep spirits up when the market gets tough. Every trader, whether present or past, has had a mentor from the beginning.
  Another resource that could help you is the boards. Be aware of whom you are paying attention. Most people are not skilled traders. Do not seek out boards that contain a lot of sodium.
3. Check out the marketplace
  Google Fund and Google Fund are excellent information websites that can be used to help traders start trading. Bloomberg and Wallstreet Journal are good sources of information for complete protection. You are potentially exposing yourself daily to other traders, financial ideas, developments, third-party evaluations, and companies that are common by reading the heading reports and inspecting the areas. Another great source of publicity is to watch basic information and take estimates.
  CNBC and Bloomberg are televisions that aim to keep the market afloat every day. Investors may be able to expand their knowledge base by switching on CNBC for just fifteen minutes every day. It doesn't matter what terminology you use, but it is important to know the information. You can just watch and allow experts to speak and then let them relax. You might notice that some of the television investing shows are more diversionary and thus are saturated with bad tips. This is a normal development.
4. Learn from workshops
  Workshops are a great way to gain insight into specific types of expenditure and the overall market. Many workshops will focus on how an audio artist has achieved success over the years using their own methods and one aspect of the market. Some workshops may not offer both. You can sometimes find workshops for free, which could be a great experience. However, be aware of the sales hype at the end.
  Although these are often expensive, they can be very helpful in the context of courses. Online Trading Academy On Wallstreet and O'Neil workshops offer a variety of investing programs.
  Be cautious when using programs and lessons, just like paid subscribers. Most of these programs cost more than $ 1000 and offer false claims about gaining useful understanding. They will convince you to sign up, take your money, and then inspire you through the program. Then, they'll abandon a way that isn't really profitable.
5. Buy exercise trading or your first inventory via simulation
  The easiest way to start is to create your first industry. You don't have to be afraid to start small, even 10, or 1 or 20 stocks, in order to get you into the sport.
  If trading with real money is not possible, you might consider using a shared simulation to trade digitally. Many online trading platforms offer training. For beginners traders, there are many great games available!
  Merchants make the most common error of trying to place a full profile from the entrance. This is why many new traders make this mistake. It is crucial to allocate your account correctly. Check out top forex strategies for day traders to get some guidance.
6. Passive index
  Trading is a losing proposition in the majority of cases. Warren Buffett, the all-time best buyer, recommends that personal traders only passively catalog rather than trying to beat the marketplace trading themselves.


ブロックチェーンテクノロジーの誕生は、暗号通貨などの新たな資産を生み出すことに加えて、従来の金融、データプライバシー、サプライチェーン、国境を越えた資金移動、その他のアプリケーション分野に革命もたらした。その中で、「分散型金融(DeFi)」は最も注目を集めているアプリケーションの1つであり、採用率が最も高くなっている。To get more news about DeFi, you can visit official website.
DeFiは「Decentralized Finance」の略語で、ブロックチェーンベースの金融サービスシステムである。
  暗号分析会社DeFi Pulse のデータによると、DeFiコントラクト預託資産総額は、2020年9月の100億米ドルから2021年8月の800億米ドル以上まで増加した。
  例えば2021年8月4日、クロスチェーンプラットフォームであるPopsicle Finance の Sorbetto Fragola 製品が攻撃され、2,070万米ドル近くの損失が発生した。
  2021年8月10日、クロスチェーンプロトコルのPoly Networkが攻撃され、Ethereum、Binance Chain、Polygonの3つのチェーンで6億米ドル近くの資金が被害に遭っている。
  2021年8月30日、担保貸出のプラットフォームであるCream Financeは、フラッシュローン攻撃を受け1,800万米ドルを失った。

BI: Ketergantungan Akan Dolar AS Kurang Sehat

Kepala Departemen Komunikasi Bank Indonesia Erwin Haryono menyampaikan, hegemoni dan ketergantungan akan dolar AS dalam transaksi negara-negara di dunia sudah kurang sehat. Mengingat dolar AS adalah mata uang suatu negara sehingga penggunaannya sebagai global currency perlu dikurangi.To get more news about Ekonomi Indonesia, you can visit official website.
Untuk mengurangi hegemoni dolar AS di Asia ini memang cukup aktif, ide Local Currency Settlement (LCS) ini terus bergulir sejak lama,” kata Erwin dalam Taklimat Media BI pada Rabu (8/9).
  BI sendiri tidak memiliki target signifikan untuk batas pengurangan penggunaan dolar AS. Karena ini sangat tergantung dengan preferensi bisnis di industri. Namun, BI sebagai otoritas perlu menciptakan hubungan yang lebih sehat.
Erwin mengatakan, BI akan terus mendorong kebijakan tersebut agar membawa penyesuaian di industri. Salah satu caranya dengan memberikan insentif bagi pihak-pihak atau pelaku ekonomi yang menggunakan LCS. Dengan demikian, ketergantungan bisa bergeser menjadi lebih sehat.


Mô hình Con dơi (Bat Pattern) là một mô hình đảo chiều có năm điểm và bốn chân, mô hình này dựa trên các tỷ lệ Fibonacci. Mô hình Con dơi (Bat Pattern) tương tự như mô hình Gartley về hình dạng giống chữ W hoặc chữ M và được cấu tạo từ 5 điểm X, A, B, C và D, nhưng khác nhau ở các con số đo lường.To get more news about mô hình giá forex, you can visit official website.
  Mô hình Con dơi (Bat Pattern) là một trong những mô hình phổ biến, thuộc mô hình Harmonic được sử dụng trong Forex.
  Đặc điểm Mô hình Con dơi (Bat Pattern)
  Mô hình Con dơi (Bat Pattern) cũng la một mô hình Harmonic 5 điểm riêng biệt được ký hiệu: X, A, B, C, D, tạo thành 4 đợt sóng hay còn gọi là 4 chân (four leg): XA, AB, BC và CD. Trong đó, 2 sóng XA và BC chuyển động cùng chiều, AB và CD chuyển động theo chiều ngược lại. Sau khi mô hình này kết thúc, thị trường sẽ có xu hướng đi theo chiều chuyển động của 2 sóng XA và BC. Mô hình Con dơi (Bat Patterm) có 2 dạng: kết thúc mô hình Con dơi tăng giá (Bullish Bat), giá đi lên, thời điểm thích hợp để vào lệnh Buy, ngược lại, khi mô hình Cơn dơi giảm giá (Bearish Bat) hoàn thành, thị trường đi xuống, nhà đầu tư nên vào lệnh Sell.
Các loại Mô hình Con dơi (Bat Pattern)
  1. Mô hình Con dơi tăng giá (Bullish Bat)
  · Bắt đầu bằng đoạn tăng giá XA
  · Sau đó, thị trường điều chỉnh giảm về B, tạo sóng AB
  · Tiếp theo, giá tăng lên lại tại C, tạo sóng BC, điểm C không vượt quá điểm A hay điểm C thấp hơn điểm A
  · Cuối cùng, giá giảm xuống D, tạo sóng CD với điểm D không vượt qua điểm X hay D cao hơn X
  · Sau khi điểm D kết thúc và mô hình thỏa mãn tất cả các quy tắc về tỷ lệ Fibonacci thì Bullish Bat pattern hoàn thành, thị trường có xu hướng đi lên từ điểm D, trader vào lệnh Buy.
  2. Mô hình Con dơi giảm giá (Bearish Bat)
  · Bắt đầu bằng đoạn giảm giá XA
  · Sau đó, thị trường điều chỉnh tăng đến B, tạo sóng AB
  · Tiếp theo, giá giảm xuống lại tại C, tạo sóng BC với C không vượt qua điểm A hay C cao hơn A
  · Cuối cùng, giá tăng lên lại tại D, tạo sóng CD với D không vượt quá X hay D thấp hơn X
  · Sau khi điểm D kết thúc và mô hình thỏa mãn tất cả các quy tắc về tỷ lệ Fibonacci thì Bearish Bat pattern hoàn thành, thị trường có xu hướng đi xuống từ điểm D, trader vào lệnh Sell.
  Các quy tắc về tỷ lệ Fibonacci của Mô hình Con dơi
  · Mức độ tăng giá hay giảm giá của từ X đến A không có quy tắc cụ thể
  · Giá đi từ X lên điểm A sau đó giảm xuống B ở mức thoái lui là 38,2% – 50%
  · Tại điểm B giá lại điều chỉnh tăng lên điểm C tại điểm thoái lui từ 38,2% đến 88,6% của đoạn xu hướng AB
  · Cuối cùng, tại C giá sẽ quay đầu giảm xuống D tại điểm mở rộng 161,8% đến 261,8% của đoạn xu hướng AB
  Cách giao dịch với mô hình Con dơi
  Bước 1: Xác định mô hình
  Khi trên đồ thị của chuyển động giá tạo ra 5 điểm: X,A,B,C,D nối với nhau thành chữ M hoặc chữ W, tương tự như mô hình Harmonic khác.
  · Điểm D cao hơn điểm X và điểm C thấp hơn điểm A (Bullish Bat)
  · Điểm D phải thấp hơn điểm X và điểm C cao hơn điểm A
  Các điểm như miêu tả xuất hiện, vào thời điểm này có thể là mô hình Con dơi hoặc mô hình Gartley. Lưu ý, mô hình Con dơi sẽ xảy ra cao hơn nếu điểm B nông và ở nửa trên so với XA. Để chắc chắn hơn, nhà đầu tư nên tiến hành đo lường các tỷ lệ Fibonacci để có thể xác định chính xác hơn.
Bước 2: Đo lường các tỷ lệ Fibonacci của mô hình
  Tại bước này, Trader nên sử dụng Fibonacci Extension (FE) và Fibonacci Retracement (FR) để đo lường các tỷ lệ này.
  · Điểm B là điểm quan trọng nhất để mô hình được hoàn thiện. Dùng FR để đo mức thoái lui của AB so với XA. Nếu rơi vào khoảng 0.382 đến 0.5 là hợp lệ. Tuy nhiên mức thoái lui lý tưởng nhất là 0,5 theo Scott Carney
  · Đo mức thoái lui của BC so với AB bằng FR dao động trong khoảng 0,382 đến 0,886 là hợp lệ
  · Tiếp theo đo độ mở rộng của CD so với AB bằng FE. Tỷ lệ thỏa mãn điều kiện mô hình là từ 1,618 đến 2,618, tuy nhiên tỷ lệ lý tưởng nhất là từ 1,618 đến 2,0
  · Mức thoái lui của CD so với XA với tỷ lệ chính xác nhất có thể là 0,886 thì có thể xác định đây là mô hình Con dơi

EUR/USD Forecast

The EUR/USD forecast seems slightly positive on the day as we expect some consolidation of yesterdays biggest daily gains in the Greenback.To get more news about 1primeoptions, you can visit official website.
  EUR/USD traded at 1.1750, in danger of a further slide towards the August lows at 1.1660. Short squeezes should remain below this weeks peaks at 1.1845 to maintain downside momentum.
  In addition, the Feds rethinking of tapering is probing bears. According to Reuters, 51 economists believe that tapering will take place in November due to inflation concerns. Additionally, hints that new vaccines are on the way seem to have boosted the latest consolidation. Additionally, Delta covid variants seem to have had a downbeat effect on the US Q3 GDP.
  As of press time, the 10-year Treasury yields were hovering at 1.33%, while S&P 500 Futures remain directionless.
  Meanwhile, the UK Financial Times (FT) story about European Central Bank (ECB) Deputy Governor Philip Lane pointing to a faster inflation increase sparked the Euro price spike yesterday. Still, he was rejected by the ECB soon after.
  On Friday, markets in Europe and the US closed on a positive note, while Asian markets were also relatively flat, with Chinese markets, particularly under pressure.
  As we close out a week that saw investors largely passing the time before the FOMC meeting next week, the European open on Friday looks set to be a positive one.
  The final EU CPI reading for August is also expected to confirm a 3% rate and core prices of 1.6%, pointing to the ECB needs to raise rates before market forecasts of 2025.
  A report circulated yesterday implied that the ECB would achieve 2% inflation before the end of the year. However, the ECB has had trouble getting close to 2% over the last ten years, let alone averaging 2% over 18 months, so such an outcome seems highly speculative and unlikely.
The EUR/USD price posted some gains from the monthly lows of 1.1750. However, the pair still lacks some follow-through momentum to surpass the key 1.1800 level. The volume of upside attempts is declining, which indicates that a broad bearish trend remains intact. The average daily range is 35%, which is healthy for the pair during the Asian session. However, the decisive figure is still 1.1800, which will decide the direction. Any break above the level may lead towards the weekly highs of 1.1845.


Gold's price plunged as the FEDs plan to hike rates. The US DOLLAR has been declining for the past few weeks, and the FEDs are now planning to hike interest rates in the nearest future.To get more news about 1primeoption, you can visit official website.
The market is reacting to this new information as the US dollar started to rise against other currencies. The US dollar started gaining some momentum last week as it expects more economic data release in the coming weeks.
  The price of Gold crashed from the weekly resistance at 1830, where the price dropped below 1700 in August. Upon the release of the NFP data two weeks ago, Gold rallied to 1830 but failed to break through as the seller sent the price back to 1790 the following week.
  As seen on the 4hr chart below, the price of Gold had breached below the 1810 support zone, where the price rallied to 1830. The price is now way below the 1810 support zone, and it's currently trading at 1788 at publishing time. 1790 is giving price support but a range has developed at this support level as sellers look to take away this support level.
Buyers attempted to rally to 1810 but the mini resistance at 1800 sent the price back down, thereby creating a mini range. Further rejection from the 1800 resistance level will see the price of Gold crash to 1750, which is the next support level.
  The price of Gold will likely fall below 1700 if the FEDs hike their interest rate later this month.
  According to the latest COT report, over 5000 contracts were added to Gold short positions and over 4000 contracts were closed from long positions. The non-commercials are changing their bias on Gold as they await the FEDs' decision on the interest rate.

Read This Before Wearing Colored Contacts For Halloween

Certain aspects of a Halloween costume, like a wig, can make or break your look. What's a clown without red curls or Dora The Explorer without her chin-length bob? Makeup is just as important, but one costume puzzle piece that often goes overlooked is contact lenses.To get more news about colored contacts cheap, you can visit official website.
A set of temporary gray or green contacts can elevate a basic cat costume, while novelty lenses (like red or white) can be the thing that makes you actually look like something ghoulish, like a vampire or skeleton. However, before you temporarily upgrade your eyes, know that you should proceed with caution.To get more news about Blue Contacts, you can visit official website.

We asked an expert about the safest way to wear lenses this Halloween and it turns out, buying a set of lenses online or in a random store without a prescription might be the scariest thing of all.According to Dr. Weslie M. Hamada, O.D., an optometrist at LensCrafters, wearing colored contacts for fun is safe only if you have a prescription, since they still need to be fit to your eyes. "If you don't wear prescription glasses or contacts but just want to give your eyes a color lift, you can absolutely wear colored contacts," she says. "But, you should still get a prescription from an optometrist." To get more news about colored contacts for dark eyes , you can visit official website.
Dr. Hamada says that skipping a visit to a pro for a fitting "can cause negative ramifications including scratches to the eye, infections, decreased vision, or even blindness." Yep, all from wearing the wrong size and/or untested materials. Plus, if not purchased from an authorized retailer, contact lens could be made with materials or dyes that haven’t been FDA approved and can, in turn, cause major damage to the eyes.
If you are interested in altering your eyes, Hamada says purchasing from a legitimate source, like LensCrafters or your local optician, is the first step to safety. "Anything put near your eyes should always be medically safe and FDA-approved," she tells us. That means it's best to skip the contacts at your local beauty supply store because they might not fit your eye shape — or worse — might not even be sterile. "When wearing ill-fitting and unsterile lenses, you run the risk of an eye infection and could even lead to severe vision loss," she explains. Wearing unregulated contact lenses may also result in eye pain, allergic reactions, and decreased vision.
Scoring colored lenses from your local eye doctor is easy, but novelty lenses — think cat or vampire-like eyes — are where the tricky part comes in. According to Hamada, lenses created to cover more than just the iris (like traditional contact lenses), are, usually, unregulated and unapproved by the FDA. They're also harder to get by way of doctor's prescription. Hamada's best advice is to do your research and, once you feel like you've found some that are safe, get a gut check from your eye doctor before buying. "Anything put near your eyes should be medically safe and FDA-approved," she says. "Stores that don’t require an Rx are selling the contacts illegally."
The FDA also warns against purchasing novelty lenses without a prescription. "Never buy contact lenses from a street vendor, a beauty supply store, flea market, novelty store or Halloween store, or from unknown online distributors," the FDA website reads. "They may be contaminated or counterfeit and therefore not safe to use."So you purchased your lenses the right way — but that's just the beginning. For first-time colored contact wearers, Hamada says that it's best to start slow. "If you’re a first-timer, it’s best to wear them for less than five hours or what your eye doctor recommends," she explains. "You can gradually increase the amount of wear time, but never sleep in any contact lenses," she warns, adding that keeping lenses in overnight can cause damage when you wake up. If you're a regular contact wearer and have consulted a doctor before use, Hamada says go forth your with your bright eyes.

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