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At the core of any competent trading strategy is a well thought out and tested money management method. When properly crafted and applied, there is no better indicator for giving each entry the highest probability of successfully resulting in the optimal position size.To get more news about Trading Tips, you can visit official website.
  When the optimal position size is reached and backed up by a great money management plan, you give yourself one of the best possible safeguards against default and unforeseen future market moves which might negatively impact your account.
1. Trading a Fixed Position Size
  This is very simple but also quite unreliable. This is the cavalier method of entering each trade with a fixed position size. So, regardless of the market conditions, there is little or no consideration for the amount of capital in the account or percentage of capital.
  While this method might hit a few times, over the long run it is guaranteed to create serious troubles for your account. The main problem with this method is that by not taking the account size into consideration, a trader cannot predict how much money they are going to risk before entering into the trade. This means that one bad move could wipe out an entire account.
  If however, you do want to follow this method, it is important that market entry and exit points are always determined and the calculated risk/reward ratio is low enough not to gut the account in one trade.
  2. Trading with a Fixed Risk Size
  This involves calculating risk (in contrast to the first method). When a trader approaches a trade with a fixed risk size, they always know how much risk they are taking on before they enter into a trade.
  The first step to determining a fixed risk size is determining what you‘re willing to risk per trade. Let’s say you decide that your risk per trade is $20. The next step is to determine the risk in points, let‘s say 150 pips. The last variable is the rate value of each contract of a currency pair, let’s say you mark it at $1.0000.
  With these numbers in place, the formula for determining the fixed risk size is as follows:
  S (position size) = R (desired risk) / S (stop-loss size in pips) x P (pip value for a contract)
  Inputting our hypothetical figures from above, we would get:
  S = 20 / 150 x 1
  S = 0.1333…
  In this example, at a risk of $20, the position size needs to be 0.13 contracts. While the formula stays the same for each trade, the contract size will change depending on how the variables shift from trade to trade.
  3. Trading with Fixed Risk as a Percentage of Capital
  The first thing you need to consider with this method is when proceeding towards making a trade, is asking yourself – what share of capital are you willing to risk in the trade? This means that in the beginning, the risk will be fixed as a percentage of the trading account.
  With sufficient capital, the position size will continuously shift. As you progress, youll soon notice that the lower the possible position size is, and the larger the capital is, the easier it will be to calculate position size.
  As a general rule though, its unwise to risk more than 1% of your capital on any given trade. This means you should avoid losing more than 1% of your account on any trade.
  This doesnt mean that you can only trade with 1% of your capital. Many traders utilize leverage to go well beyond 1% of their trading capital.

Des arnaques concernant le MT4 que vous ne connaissez jamais !

Stratégies WikiFX (mercredi 21 juillet 2021) - Dans le marché Forex, de nombreux traders ont trop de confiance en les brokers utilisant le MT4 (MetaTrader 4), ce qui est pourtant une manière incorrecte, car beaucoup de plates-formes Forex frauduleuses sont également capables dutiliser le MT4. Comme suit, nous ferons une présentation sur des arnaques concernant le MT4.To get more news about Forex, you can visit official website.
  Il existe des vrais MT4 ainsi que des faux. Des plates-formes Forex peuvent utiliser un MT4 établi par elles-mêmes, qui rendre les traders qui ne connaissent pas trop le MT4 plus difficiles à identifier si leurs plates-formes sont vraies ou fausses. Les traders peuvent télécharger le MT4 via des canaux officiels puis se connecter. S‘il est possible d’associer son propre compte au MT4 du broker, cela signifiera qu‘il n’existera aucun problème avec la plate-forme quon aura été choisie.
  Cependant, il faut faire attention à ce critère : Des plates-formes frauduleuses assez puissantes ont également accès au MT4, ce qui assure l‘utilisation normale du MT4 pour les traders. Le MT4 n’est qu‘un type de logiciel de trading, il n’assure pas la conformité de toute plate-forme Forex qui lutilise.
  C‘est-à-dire : Il est incorrect de juger les plates-formes frauduleuses en utilisant seulement le MT4, il vous faut également consulter leurs états de régulation, afin d’améliorer votre aptitude d‘identification. Si vous trouvez des plates-formes Forex non identifiables, utilisez l’APP WikiFX puis vous saurez tout en seulement un coup dœil ! Cliquez ici pour télécharger : (Android) / (iOS).

ミラートレードとは ミラートレード会社も紹介

ミラートレードについて解説、加えて国内でもで様々なFX会社が自分で取引する必要がないFX自動売買を行う事ができ取引プラットフォーム「ミラートレーダー」提供しており勝率の高いプロトレーダーのようなFX取引をすることが可能になっているためいくつかのサービスを紹介します。To get more news about ミラートレード, you can visit official website.





Varian Delta Menyebar, BI Revisi Proyeksi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Domestik di 2021

Hingga triwulan II 2021, perbaikan ekonomi terus berlanjut, terutama didorong oleh peningkatan kinerja ekspor, belanja fiskal dan investasi non bangunan. Perkembangan sejumlah indikator dini pada Juni 2021, seperti penjualan eceran dan PMI, mengindikasikan pemulihan ekonomi domestik yang masih berlangsung.To get more news about Ekonomi Indonesia, you can visit official website.
  Gubernur Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo, memperkirakan pertumbuhan ekonomi di triwulan III akan lebih rendah sehubungan dengan kebijakan pembatasan mobilitas yang harus ditempuh oleh Pemerintah untuk mengatasi peningkatan penyebaran varian delta Covid-19. “Penurunan pertumbuhan terutama terjadi pada konsumsi rumah tangga karena terbatasnya mobilitas, di tengah peningkatan stimulus bantuan sosial oleh Pemerintah, dan tetap kuatnya kinerja ekspor,” jelas Perry dalam konferensi pers hari ini (22/7).
  Namun, BI memperkirakan pertumbuhan ekonomi kembali meningkat di triwulan IV didorong oleh peningkatan mobilitas sejalan dengan akselerasi vaksinasi dan penerapan protokol kesehatan, berlanjutnya stimulus kebijakan, dan terus meningkatnya kinerja ekspor.
Dengan perkembangan tersebut, maka Bank Indonesia merevisi pertumbuhan ekonomi di tahun ini menjadi 3,5% - 4,3% dari proyeksi sebelumnya di 4,1% - 5,1%.


1. Khái niệm hot hand
  Có ai ghiền xem bóng rổ giải nhà nghề Mỹ NBA không? Trong giới bóng rổ chúng ta sẽ thấy 10 ông cao to giành giật nhau 1 quả bóng, liên tục ghi điểm với nhịp độ nhanh hơn bóng đá rất nhiều. Và thường mỗi đội sẽ có 1 tay ghi điểm chủ lực, tên này cứ hễ có bóng trong tay là đội bạn xanh mặt. Và nếu anh chàng chủ lực thực hiện được một chuỗi ghi điểm liên tục, thì mọi người sẽ mặc định rằng cú ném tiếp theo của anh ta sẽ không thể hụt. Đó là hiệu ứng hot hand trong bóng rổ.To get more news about hiệu ứng hot hand trong giao dịch, you can visit official website.
  Hot hand là khái niệm đề cập một người hay chủ thể đã có chuỗi thành công, nên họ có nhiều khả năng tiếp tục thành công.
  Ví dụ, nếu một người tung một đồng xu và đoán chính xác rằng nó sẽ rơi trúng mặt trước ba lần liên tiếp, thì có thể nói rằng họ có hot hand.
  Trong những trường hợp như vậy, người tung đồng xu tin rằng tỉ lệ đoán trúng mặt nào của đồng xu sẽ lớn hơn 50% so với xác suất thực tế.
  Nếu một loạt các thất bại xảy ra, thì khái niệm được dùng lúc này là “cold hand”.
  Trong khi người có hot hand cảm thấy như nó xảy ra gần như mọi lúc, nhưng nghiên cứu học thuật đã chỉ ra hiện tượng này chỉ là tâm lí thuần túy.
  Còn trong trading thì sao nhỉ? Đôi lúc chúng ta cũng ăn may được vài chuỗi trade thắng, và cũng mặc định rằng trade tiếp theo vẫn là trade win, giống chủ lực trong bóng rổ. Điểm khác nhau giữa trader và cầu thủ bóng rổ đối với hiệu ứng hot hand là khi cầu thủ đó kết thúc chuỗi thắng thì anh ta chỉ bị lỡ mất cơ hội ghi điểm, còn trader thì lại đứng trước nguy cơ thua lỗ nặng vì có xu hướng đẩy khối lượng lên cao do niềm tin quá chắc chắn vào cú trade tiếp theo.
2. Hot hand hoạt động như thế nào?
  Niềm tin vào hot hand được sử dụng bởi những con bạc và các nhà đầu tư và được các nhà tâm lí học tin rằng tất cả đều xuất phát từ cùng một nguồn.
  Ví dụ, có dữ liệu cho thấy quyết định của nhà đầu tư mua hoặc bán quĩ tương hỗ phụ thuộc phần lớn vào danh mục theo dõi của người quản lí quĩ, dù có bằng chứng cho thấy yếu tố này đang được đánh giá quá cao.
  Dường như các nhà đầu tư như vậy đang đưa ra quyết định dựa trên việc họ có cảm thấy các nhà quản lí quĩ có hot hand hay không.
  Sai lầm của khái niệm hot hand là điều kiện tâm lí mà mọi người tin rằng một cá nhân có hot hand hay cold hand tùy thuộc vào hiệu suất trong quá khứ, mặc dù hiệu suất đó thực sự không ảnh hưởng đến kết quả trong tương lai.
3. Các bằng chứng chống lại Hot hand
  Khi đánh bạc, cũng như trong đầu tư, không có gì lạ khi trải nghiệm cảm giác may mắn một phần do động lực.
  Tuy nhiên, ý tưởng về việc có được kết quả thuận lợi là kết quả của hot hand hoàn toàn là một hiện tượng.
  Trong thực tế, một khi một nhà đầu tư, hay con bạc, bắt đầu nghĩ rằng họ có hot hand, thì sự thiên vị có thể xảy ra. Một số lỗ hổng hành vi phổ biến, có thể được đưa ra bởi một hot hand bao gồm sự tự tin thái quá, sai lệch xác nhận, ảo tưởng kiểm soát, thiên lệch do mới xảy ra và thiên lệch nhận thức muộn - đây là các yếu tố tâm lí thị trường phổ biến.
  Hot hand là một hiệu ứng tâm lý, nó nguy hiểm cũng chả thua kém gì fomo đâu, thậm chí có thể hơn đấy. Fomo đơn giản là nỗi sợ mất cơ hội, và nếu có kỹ năng quản lý rủi ro tốt, thì cũng không thiệt hại mấy. Riêng với Hot hand, hiệu ứng tâm lý này vẽ trước chúng ta một ảo ảnh tươi đẹp với cú trade tiếp theo sẽ vẫn thắng, chúng ta ngay lập tức quên đi quản trị rủi ro mà tự tin vào thẳng một lệnh có khối lượng lớn hơn bình thường. Hãy giữ cái đầu lạnh khi bước vào thị trường nóng này, bạn nhé.

EUR/USD analysis: Reaches new July low

The release of the US Consumer Price Index data on Tuesday caused high volatility of the EUR/USD and eventually a booking of new July low level at 1.1773 during the early hours of Wednesday's trading.To get more news about Fortrade, you can visit official website.
  By the middle of Wednesday's European trading hours, the currency exchange rate had recovered and was expected to reach the resistance of the 55, 100 and 200-hour simple moving averages near 1.1830/1.1840. In the case that the pair passes these levels, the EUR/USD would aim at the weekly simple pivot point at 1.1852 and afterwards the 1.1900.
  On the other hand, a bounce off from the resistance of the simple moving averages, could result in a test of the support of the new July low level at 1.1773.

TikTok Bans Forex, CFDs, And Crypto Trading from Branded Content

Popular video sharing and social networking site TikTok has updated its creator policies around Branded Content, which now outlaws TikTok creators from posting Branded Content on “Financial Services and Products”. That definition includes (and seems to be mainly aimed at) forex trading, crypto trading, and CFD trading, alongside a longer list such as credit cards, buy now pay later services, bail bonds, and debt consolidation services.To get more news about forex trading, you can visit official website.
  TikTok creators can still post their own content on financial services, such as views on trading forex and crypto or specific shares and indices. The ban just applies to Branded Content.
  TikTok defines Branded Content as content where the creator receives something of value from a third party in exchange for the post, to promote that brands products or service. It could be a brand endorsement, partnership or other kind of promotion for a product or service. This could include content which features or references a product or service which has been gifted by a third party, or for which the creator has been paid to post about, whether in the form of money or a gift. It also includes posts for which the creator will receive a commission from the third party if other users purchase the product or service, whether via an affiliate link or by the user using a promotional code.
Branded Content also includes content for which the creator has a commercial relationship with the brand, such as a brand ambassador.
  Top TikTok‘ers with tens of millions of followers such as Charli D’Amelio can reportedly earn upwards of USD $100,000 per Branded Content post, adding up to tens of millions of dollars a year. TikTok has seen a major uptick in Financial content over the past year, both of the branded and non-branded kind, in parallel with the global upswing in retail financial and crypto trading.
  Apparently TikTok was receiving an increased number of complaints regarding Branded Content scams, and took action by adding all Financial content to the Branded Content ban. Thus, forex and crypto trading joins a long list of banned Branded Content on TikTok that includes alcohol, cigarettes, dating services, weapons, food supplements and vitamins, pharmaceuticals, gambling, and political content, among other areas.

Are My Ray-Bans Real?

Are My Ray-Bans Real?

Ray-Bans first appeared in the early-to-mid 20th century. The aviators and Ray-Ban first appeared in the early-to-mid 20th century. The aviators and wayfarers grew to iconic status with their use in classic movies such as The Blues Brothers and Easy Rider. As the popularity of Ray-Bans kept growing, the number counterfeits increased as well. Sometimes we find a deal that seems too good to be true, but we buy it anyway. Make sure your sunglasses are real so you won’t run into any problems. Below are just a few quick questions you can ask yourself to help decipher if you indeed have an authentic pair:Get more news about replica Oakley,you can vist!

How Much Did I Pay?
The popularity and quality of Ray-Bans come at a price, just like any big name brand. Ray-Bans typically start around $130 and go up from there. If you choose glasses with polarized lenses, you can expect a price increase for that feature. You might find some great deals on sites like eBay, Amazon, and others. But, if the sellers are parting with their glasses for way below market value, they might not be authentic. Unfortunately, the only true way to buy online, worry-free, is direct from Ray-Bans or an authorized seller. As some of you may know, Fuse Lenses sells lenses out of Viso Sun Shop in Clearwater, Florida. Viso Sun Shop is also an authorized seller of Ray-Bans, so you can purchase frames from there worry-free.
Are the Details Right?
Ray-Bans are a higher-end sunglasses line and there should not be any noticeable defects in the glasses’ appearance. On the actual frame, Ray-Bans have pretty consistent details on all frames:These packaging items, as well as any markings on the glasses themselves, should be free of spelling and printing errors.

The inside temple should feature a model number, color code, and size. A lot of the different types of models for Ray-Ban start with an RB, followed by a series of numbers. Sometimes the model also includes a name with the model number. You can use those numbers and letters to look up what glasses you have online. Sometimes counterfeiters will print the correct model number, but the color code or the size may not match up. If you are having trouble locating the model number or finding an exact match online, there is definitely a chance that it is fake. Previously, you might have heard that if your glasses did not also say “Made in Italy” on the other temple, that they were fake. However, this may not be true. After Luxottica acquired Ray-Ban, some models were manufactured in both Italy and China.

When trying to figure out if your Ray-Bans are real or fake, there are three things you should consider. The first thing is the location purchase and the monetary amount. If the sunglasses are surprisingly cheap, there is a high chance that they may be fake. If you purchase your Ray-Bans from an authorized seller, you can be more at ease that you have the authentic glasses. The second thing is the packaging and the details on the frame. Does a new pair come with a box, a carrying case, a cleaning cloth, and a booklet? Is it free of spelling and printing errors? The last thing to look at is the numbers on inside the temple. Use these numbers to look up your model, color code, and size to see if they match with a model online.

If you still have questions about the authenticity of your Ray-Bans after reading this article, we are here to help. We deal with hundreds of glasses every week, and we can help identify your frame.

If you happen to have a pair that isn’t authentic or a model that we don’t carry, we might still be able to hook you up with replacement lenses if you live in the United States. Check out the full details of our custom lenses program to see if this right for you.


While sneakers come in many awesome styles, none is more hyped about than the basketball shoe. This iconic footwear style has produced some incredible and legendary designs over the years, including Converse All Stars, Nike Air Force 1s, Air Jordan 1s, and plenty more. Beloved for their technical elements as much as their cool statement styles, these shoes are coveted and worn by players, fans, and fashion-savvy gents alike. So, whether you want to enhance your on-court performance or your streetwear style, investing in a pair of new basketball sneakers is always a good idea. Here, we’ve rounded up our selection of the best basketball shoes for men to get your shopping started.Get more news about Best basketball sneaker,you can vist!

1. Adidas Harden Vol. 2
Created in collaboration with NBA superstar James Harden, the Adidas Harden Vol. 2 is a basketball shoe both players and fans can get behind. This top shoe features a practical and supportive design that provides plenty of cushioning, traction, and grip. It also boasts a sock-like tongue and cuff as well as a stylish appearance. So, you can rock these sneakers on the court with shorts and in the street with jeans.
2. Reebok Shaq Attaq
Sportswear brands often team up with athletes to create products, so it’s unsurprising that Reebok tapped Shaquille O’Neal, one of the best NBA players in history, to create a basketball shoe. The result was the Shaq Attaq, a fantastic style that’s seen plenty of exciting installments since its original 1992 release.
3. Adidas Cloudfoam Ilation Mid
If you’re after a basketball shoe that is effective, comfortable, and affordable, you can’t go past the Adidas CF Ilation Mid. This sleek sneaker has a rubber traction outsole along with a Cloudfoam midsole and cushioned Cloudfoam sockliner.
4. Kobe A.D. NXT 360
It may look more like a running shoe than a basketball shoe, but the Kobe A.D. NXT 360 is seriously impressive on the court. Featuring the latest Nike footwear technology, including next-gen Flyknit, React foam and Lunarlon foam, this footwear design will have you running rings around the competition.
5. Nike LeBron Soldier XII
If you’re more likely to be found on the local outdoor court than inside an arena, Nike LeBron Soldier 12s are the basketball shoes for you. This footwear style features thick soles along with Nike Zoom Air cushioning. As such, they make jumping on a concrete court feel almost like stepping on a cloud.
6. Air Jordan 3 Retro
When it comes to basketball shoes, Air Jordans are iconic and, while there are plenty of great styles to choose from, the III is one of the best. This classic style is an incredible hit, and while they have been “retro’d” (re-released) multiple times, they regularly sell out.
7. Nike Zoom KD11
If you want to be as good a Kevin Durant, you need to have shoes as good as Kevin Durant’s. So, pick up a pair of Nike Zoom KD11s. The latest installment in Durant’s signature line for Nike, this basketball shoe features all-new cushioning, a light yet firm Flyknit upper, toe-to-heel React foam, and Nike Zoom Air.
8. Jordan Fly Lockdown
Need a pair of basketball shoes that’ll seamlessly take you from the court to the streets? Jordan Fly Lockdown sneakers are the answer. These top shoes are as fashionable as they are functional, combining performance and style into one neat package. Don them with basketball shorts and a jersey in the gym or jeans and a logo tee outside.

Lacoste adopts temporary logo to help endangered species

Lacoste adopts temporary logo to help endangered species

Lacoste temporarily replaced its polo shirts’ crocodile logo with the images of 10 endangered species to help counter the threat of extinction.Get more news about lacoste polo shirt sale,you can vist!

The shirts, which are part of a limited run supporting the ‘Save Our Species’ campaign that launched during Paris Fashion Week on March 1, have sold out.

Replacing the crocodile above the left breast of the shirt are the Gulf of California porpoise, the Burmese roofed turtle, Sumatran tiger, the Anegada ground iguana and the northern sportive lemur, among others.

The French clothing company calibrated the number of shirts produced for each series to the population of the remaining animals in the wild. Of the 1,775 shirts available, the Gulf of California porpoise had the smallest print run, with just 30 shirts available. The Anegada iguana, by contrast, was the most available, with 450 editions.

Proceeds went to International Union for Conservation of Nature, an international advocacy organization working to protect nature that sponsored the campaign.

“Together these rare reptiles, birds and mammals champion the plight of all known threatened species,” IUCN said in a statement.Wildlife expert Jeff Corwin lauded Lacoste’s efforts and said he hoped it would inspire other companies to take on similar projects.

“It’s a great start, and I’m hoping it’s just the beginning and inspires other companies to follow suit,” Corwin told CNN. “Maybe Jaguar will do something for jaguars. Ram trucks maybe will start protecting big horn sheep. Generating awareness is equally important to fundraising because, in order to solve the problem, you need to understand the challenges.”

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