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Đối với các nhà đầu tư sử dụng trường phái phân tích kỹ thuật thì chỉ báo MACD là một công cụ hữu hiệu và dễ sử dụng. Bài viết này là sẽ giới thiệu những thông tin cơ bản nhất về chỉ báo MACD để bất kỳ trader nào cũng hiểu và biết cách ứng dụng một cách hiệu quả vào giao dịch của mình.To get more news about chỉ báo MACD là gì, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  1. Chỉ số MACD là gì?

  MACD được viết tắt bởi 4 chữ Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (Đường Trung Bình Động Hội Tụ Phân Kỳ), là một chỉ báo thuộc loại dao động được các nhà giao dịch sử dụng rộng rãi trong phân tích kỹ thuật (TA). MACD là một công cụ theo dõi xu hướng sử dụng các đường trung bình động để xác định đà của một cổ phiếu, tiền mã hóa, hoặc một tài sản có thể giao dịch khác.
  Được phát triển bởi Gerald Appel vào cuối những năm 1970, chỉ báo Phân kỳ Hội tụ Trung bình Động theo dõi các sự kiện định giá đã xảy ra, do vậy, chỉ báo này được xếp vào nhóm các chỉ báo muộn (đưa ra các tín hiệu dựa trên hành động định giá hoặc dữ liệu giá đã xảy ra trong quá khứ). Chỉ báo MACD có thể hữu ích để đo đà của thị trường và các xu hướng giá có thể xảy ra, và nhiều nhà giao dịch sử dụng chỉ báo này để phát hiện các điểm vào và điểm ra khỏi thị trường tiềm năng.

Đường MACD (đường màu xanh hay còn gọi là đường nhanh) - giúp xác định đà tăng hoặc giảm (xu hướng thị trường). Tính đường này bằng cách tính hiệu của hai đường trung bình động hàm mũ (EMA).

  • Đường tín hiệu (signal line – đường màu cam) hay đường chậm - một EMA của đường MACD (thường là EMA của 9 giai đoạn). Sử dụng kết hợp phân tích đường tín hiệu với đường MACD có thể giúp phát hiện các điểm đảo ngược tiềm năng hoặc các điểm vào và điểm ra thị trường.

  Đường MACD được tạo thành từ đường EMA12 và EMA26. Do đó, khi đường EMA12 cắt EMA26 thì trong chỉ báo MACD ta sẽ nhận thấy lúc này đường MACD sẽ cắt đường Zero. Nhìn hình bên dưới sẽ cho thấy một ví dụ về điểm giao cắt này.
  Việc áp dụng sự giao cắt giữa đường MACD và đường Zero thường cho tín hiệu khá chậm. Thay vào đó, các trader thường sử dụng sự giao cắt của đường MACD với đường Signal.

Biểu đồ Histogram chính là khoảng cách của đường MACD và Signal. Khoảng cách giữa 2 đường này càng xa thì độ dài của thanh Histogram càng dài, và ngược lại.

  • Histogram hội tụ: Khi histogram co rút lại, nghĩa là đường MACD có khuynh hướng tiến lại gần signal. Điều này cảnh báo hướng đi của giá đang có dấu hiệu chậm lại hoặc báo hiệu sự đảo chiều.

  • Sự phân kì: Khi Histogram giãn ra, chiều cao tăng lên (bao gồm cả chiều dương hoặc âm), đây là khi MACD đang tách xa khỏi đường Signal, báo hiệu giá tăng nhanh, mạnh theo xu hướng hiện tại.

  • Tín hiệu mua: Khi Histogram nằm dưới đường Zero và có xu hướng hội tụ về đường Zero.

  • Tín hiệu bán: Khi Histogram nằm trên đường Zero và có xu hướng hội tụ về đường Zero.

  Tuy nhiên, Histogram là tín hiệu đi sau giá, nên khi xác định tín hiệu giao dịch, các trader cần kết hợp với hành động giá để xác định đỉnh/đáy để có cơ hội giao dịch tốt hơn.
  • Tín hiệu mua: Nối 2 đáy của MACD và 2 đáy của biểu đồ giá tạo thành 2 đường hội tụ. Đặc biệt, khi kết hợp với tín hiệu đường MACD cắt Signal hướng lên.

  • Tín hiệu bán: Khi nối 2 đỉnh của MACD và 2 đỉnh của biểu đồ giá tạo thành 2 đường phân kỳ. Đặc biệt, khi kết hợp với tín hiệu đường MACD cắt Signal hướng xuống.

  4. Nhược điểm của tín hiệu MACD

Giống như các chỉ báo kỹ thuật khác, chỉ báo MACD cũng có thể tạo ra các tín hiệu sai. Ví dụ, một tín hiệu tăng giả sẽ là sự giao nhau trong xu hướng tăng, theo sau là sự sụt giảm đột ngột của giá trên thị trường. Một tín hiệu giảm giả sẽ là một tình huống mà có sự giao nhau trong xu hướng giảm, nhưng giá đột ngột tăng lên. Một chiến lược giao dịch khôn ngoan có thể áp dụng kết hợp nhiều chỉ báo khác nhau, sử dụng nhiều phương pháp khác nhau để lọc ra các tín hiệu giả và xác nhận các tín hiệu thực.

ทำไมคนส่วนใหญ่เลือกเทรด Forex ด้วยสกุลเงินเหล่านี้?

ทำไมคนส่วนใหญ่เลือกเทรด Forex ด้วยสกุลเงินเหล่านี้?

ค่าเงินดอลลาร์สหรัฐอเมริกา หรือตัวย่อ USD เป็นค่าเงินที่มีปริมาณการซื้อขายอันดับ 1 ของโลกในตลาดอัตราแลกเปลี่ยน เนื่องจากสภาพคล่องที่สูง มันยังเป็นค่าเงินที่มีสัดส่วนในการเป็นเงินสำรองระหว่างประเทศสูงอีกด้วย ทำให้มันเป็นค่าเงินที่ได้รับความนิยมสูง และมีปริมาณซื้อขาย นอกจากนี้ในการแปลงค่าเงิน ค่าเงิน USD ยังเป็นค่าเงินที่ใช้เป็นฐานในการซื้อขายสินค้าโภคภัณฑ์ เช่น ทองคำ น้ำมัน หรือสินค้าอื่น ๆ ค่าเงินดอลลาร์มีบทบาทมากกว่าค่าเงินอื่น ๆ ปัจจัยที่ขับเคลื่อนค่าเงินไม่ได้อยู่เพียงแค่ เศรษฐกิจของประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา แต่ยังรวมถึง ปัจจัยการเคลื่อนไหวของเงินระหว่างประเทศ ภาวะวิกฤติเศรษฐกิจ ไม่ว่าธุรกรรมการเงินใด ๆ ของโลก ล้วนกระทบต่อการเปลี่ยนแปลงของราคาค่าเงิน ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ แทบทั้งสิ้น.To get more news about เทรด Forex, you can visit wikifx.com official website.


  ค่าเงินยูโร หรือ EUR เป็นค่าเงินที่ใช้ในกลุ่มประเทศยุโรป ซึ่งเป็นค่าเงินอย่างเป็นทางการของ 19 ประเทศ จากประเทศสมาชิกสหภาพยุโรป 28 ประเทศ ซึ่งเรียกตัวเองว่า ยูโรโซน ค่าเงิน EURO เป็นค่าเงินที่มีการค้าขายมากเป็นอันดับ 2 รองจากค่าเงินดอลล่าร์สหรัฐอเมริกาในตลาดอัตราแลกเปลี่ยน โดยสามารถแบ่งเป็นหน่วยย่อยจาก 1 ยูโร คือ 100 เซนต์ ค่าเงินยูโร เป็นค่าเงินที่มีการใช้สำรองมากเป็นอันดับ 2 ตามหลังค่าเงินดอลล่าร์เช่นเดียวกัน ด้วยสาเหตุที่มันเป็นผูกกับสหภาพยุโรป ทำให้ค่าเงินยูโร เป็นค่าเงินที่เกี่ยวข้องกับสภาพเศรษฐกิจหลายประเทศ ทั้ง ฝรั่งเศส เยอรมัน สเปน อิตาลี กรีซ ซึ่งแต่ละประเทศมีอุตสาหกรรรมหลายประเภทด้วยกัน

  Japanese Yen

  ค่าเงินเยน หรือตัวย่อ JPY เป็นค่าเงินของประเทศญี่ปุ่น ซึ่งเป็นค่าเงินที่มีการซื้อขายมากที่สุดเป็นอันดับ 3 ของตลาดค้าเงิน และเป็นค่าเงินที่มีการใช้เป็นเงินสำรองเป็นอันดับ 3 ของค่าเงินสำรอง แนวคิดของค่าเงินนั้นผูกกับเศรษฐกิจญี่ปุ่น ดูแลนโยบายทางการเงินโดย ธนาคารกลางญี่ปุ่น ซึ่งปัจจุบันมีอัตราดอกเบี้ยเข้าใกล้ 0 และอย่างที่ทราบกันดี ว่าเศรษฐกิจญี่ปุ่นนั้น ขึ้นอยู่กับการพัฒนาอุตสาหกรรมและเทคโนโลยีในประเทศเป็นหลัก อุตสาหกรรมหลักในประเทศได้แก่ อุตสาหกรรมอีเล็กทรอนิกส์ อุตสาหกรรมยานยนต์ ซึ่งเป็นกำลังขับเคลื่อนหลักของประเทศ

  Great Britain Pound


  ค่าเงินปอนด์อังกฤษ หรือเรียกอีกอย่างว่า Pound Sterling มีชื่อย่อคือ GBP ซึ่งเรียกกันทั่วไปว่า Sterling ค่าเงิน 1 ปอนด์จะถูกขยายเป็น 100 Pence นั่นคือหน่วยย่อยสำหรับการเรียกค่าเงิน บางครั้งก็เรียกว่า ปอนด์ หรือชื่อเล่นที่วงการนักเทรดมักจะเรียกกันก็คือ Cable สาเหตุก็เพราะว่า การซื้อขายค่าเงิน GBPUSD นั้นจะทำการโอนถ่ายผ่าน Transatlantic Cable ส่วนคนที่ซื้อขายค่าเงิน GBPUSD ก็ถูกเรียกว่า Cable Dealers ค่าเงินปอนด์ มีประวัติยาวนาน เนื่องจากเป็นค่าเงินที่ใช้กันในกลุ่มประเทศอาณานิคมของอังกฤษ และยังใช้เป็นค่าเงินที่อ้างอิงกับค่าเงินมาตรฐานทองคำ ในช่วงก่อนสงครามโลก และได้รับความนิยมในการซื้อขายในตลาดอัตราแลกเปลี่ยน เป็นอันดับ 4

  Australian dollar

  ค่าเงินดอลลาร์ออสเตรเลีย หรือ AUD เป็นของประเทศออสเตรเลียและหมู่เกาะในบริเวณใกล้เคียง มีชื่อเล่นว่า Aussie ในปี 2016 ค่าเงินออสเตรเลียถือเป็นค่าเงินที่มีการซื้อขายมากที่สุดอันดับ 5 ในตลาดอัตราแลกเปลี่ยน เป็นค่าเงินที่ได้รับความนิยมในกลุ่มนักเทรดค่าเงิน เพราะว่ามันให้อัตราดอกเบี้ยที่สูง ประเทศออสเตรเลียเป็นประเทศที่มี GDP ต่อหัวสูง มีคนจนน้อย ผลิตภัณฑ์หลักจากออสเตรเลียที่นำสินค้ามาขายคือ ผลิตภัณฑ์จากการเกษตร เช่น ฟาร์มปศุสัตว์ เนื้อสัตรว์ หนังสัตว์ ข้าวสาลี เมืองแร่ เช่น ทองคำ แร่เหล็ก โดยประเทศคู่ค้าขนาดใหญ่ของ Australia คือ ญี่ปุ่น จีน สหรัฐ เกาหลีใต้ และ นิวซีแลน ด้วยเหตุนี้ โดยเฉพาะประเทศ นิวซีแลนด์ที่เป็นคู่ค้ากันจนทำให้เศรษฐกิจเป็นแบบพึ่งพิงกัน การเคลื่อนไหวของค่าเงิน 2 ค่านี้แทบจะไม่มีค่าแตกต่างกัน

  จะเห็นได้ว่าเบื้องหลังเศรษฐกิจของแต่ละประเทศสอดคล้องกันกับค่าเงินที่เป็นเหมือนเชื้อเพลิงขับเคลื่อนความเชื่อมั่นของประเทศ เทรดเดอร์ Forex จึงต้องสนใจภาวะเศรษฐกิจต่าง ๆ เกาะติดการเปลี่ยนแปลงอยู่เสมอ และที่พิเศษคือตอนนี้เรามีสิ่งที่เรียกว่า “ปฏิทินข่าวเศรษฐกิจ” ที่จะช่วยให้คุณคาดการณ์สิ่งที่จะเกิดขึ้น และช่วยวางแผนการเทรด Forex ของคุณ รับปฏิทินข่าวเศรษฐกิจได้เลยตอนนี้ ฟรี ๆ ที่แอป WikiFX

Finding Great Entries With Fibonacci Analysis

Finding Great Entries With Fibonacci Analysis

  The Fibonacci retracement is an extremely well-used tool for helping traders identify levels of support and resistance. The tool comes as standard on the MT4 platform and helps traders measure a swing in price and identify key levels within that price swing which might serve as turning points if retested.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

In the image above you can see that we have applied our Fibonacci retracement tool to a bearish price swing. Price sold off from point A to point B. Once price started to bounce from point B, we would apply our Fibonacci retracement tool measuring from the top of the swing to the bottom (and vice versa for a bullish move). The tool then plots on our key Fibonacci levels to monitor. As you can see price initially reversed from the 50% before travelling higher to test the 61.8% level which ultimately sends price lower.

  This is a clear example of the basic way we can look to use Fibonacci retracement to identify trading opportunities. This can be particularly helpful in trending market helping us to enter as the market corrects, allowing us to get in as the trend then resumes.

  Quick Tip:

  The Fibonacci retracement tool highlights the key levels for us to monitor but we dont know which, if any, will work. Traders should look to identify confluence between key Fibonacci levels and other technical elements such as price action signals, support & resistance, trend lines or indicator readings to build a proper trade idea.
Looking at the example again you can see that we actually have confluence at the 61.8% Fibonacci level with trend line resistance coming in at that level also. This suggests that this would be the strongest level to look to trade.

  The Fibonacci Extension

  The Fibonacci extension is another classic analysis tool. This time, we measure the price swing but instead of looking for levels within the move which may serve as turning points if retested, we are looking at projected levels which are yet to be tested but could serve as turning points if they are.
In the example, above you can see that we measure our bearish price swing from top to bottom (vice versa for bullish move) and this time the tool plots levels below the low of the swing point. At point C you can see what happens when price meets the 127% extension, it reverses and trades higher.

  Again as with the retracement tool, we can look to identify confluence at key Fibonacci levels to help us identify the stronger levels to look to trade. Whereas we might look to use the Fibonacci retracement tool to help us identify points of correction in a trending market, the extension tool can be useful for identifying potential trend reversal zones and can also be used as a tool for setting profit targets whereby traders look to Bank any open trades as they test the key extension levels.
  As you can see, Fibonacci levels can offer us powerful entry points to key moves. The tools are simple to use and once you are confident in tracking the right price swings you should be able to identify good reversals. The beauty of this method of technical analysis is that it really compliments other forms such as support & resistance, indicator trading, price action trading and is a versatile way to approach the markets.

Best Forex Scalping Method

Best Forex Scalping Method

Scalping is different from casual day trading and tends to cause a lot of problems for brokers due to a high amount of orders. Some brokers dont allow scalping outright; others raise the spreads until it becomes unprofitable.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  Most brokers do not advertise that they do not support scalpers, so you need to ask their support or scout their websites looking for favorable conditions. Heres what you need to check for:

  · Tight spreads. Some brokers offer Premium accounts with 0 spreads for an additional fee, look out for those.

  · Leverage. If you are confident in your scalping skills, leverage is a great way to increase your profits. Just learn about the brokers margin call protocols; sometimes they are not suitable for scalping.

  · Trading platform. You should know your trading platform as the back of your hand. Also, it should allow for quick order management, ideally — in a single click.

  · Response speed. Slow broker systems may lead to slippage and sudden losses of otherwise profitable positions. Always check out how responsive your brokers system is.

  · Reliable support. Sometimes things go wrong, and you need a fast way to reach out to your broker. Having a number to call or an open chat window allows to salvage the most out of a bad situation — as long as the support is competent.

  If you dont want to waste time looking for options, JustForex has pretty decent ECN Zero accounts. The commission from each trade is not ideal but the spreads are absurdly tight, and the response speed is stellar. They are also using MetaTrader 4 without any modifications while their support is proactive and easy-to-reach.

  Step 2. Pick a Market

  You want to trade on the markets that have the most liquidity — which pretty much locks you into the major currency pairs. The best of the bunch are:

  · EUR/USD and GDP/USD. The Brexit conundrum reigns supreme over the British and European currencies. Almost every day brings more and more news that sway the market.

  · USD/JPY. The disturbances in the American politics resonate well with this currency pair — even if Japan is going through a period of relative calmness.

  Although, you can trade on any other currency pair too. The only problem would be the low number of situations you can take advantage of — however, this might be less stressful and ultimately beneficial for newcomers.
Step 3. Establish Your Workplace

  With most strategies, you can take a moment to read the news, have a drink or watch a cartoon. Scalping, however, is a never-ending chain of deals that demand your constant attention.

  If you want to be a successful scalper, you need to create an environment where you wont be distracted by the outside world. If you work from home, consider creating a separate room only for work.

  1. Find the least-trafficked room. Otherwise, either your roommates will distract you, or you will have to intrude on their lives. If you live alone, ignore this point.

  2. Remove all distractions nearby.While you might want to read a book on your lunch break, you should do it in a different room. Without distractions, you will be able to concentrate on your work and wont be tempted to look away from the charts. You can make a case for a fidget cube or a hand grip, but everything else has to go.

  3. Get comfortable. You are going to spend at least 8 hours a day in this room, so get a soft chair and a table that fits your height. A large screen, an ergonomic keyboard, and a vertical mouse will be a plus.

  4. Declutter often. Remove the unnecessary stuff from both your real and virtual workplaces. All those paper piles, dirty coffee mugs, and other knick-knacks have to go away before you begin trading. Same goes for the unused desktop icons, browser toolbars, and other distractions.

  Finally, dont forget to take the eye-breaks every half-an-hour — just closing them for a minute or two will help.



  The price of gold (XAU/USD is continuing to trade broadly sideways, as it has since early this month, but both fundamentals and technical analysis suggest that a move to the upside is more likely than a fall once it breaks out from its recent narrow trading range.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  Looking at the fundamentals first, golds sideways trading is surprising given that the US Dollar basket has been falling since the start of April, reaching its lowest level since March 18. While the risk persists of a panic about inflation as the US economy recovers from the slump caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, yields on US Treasuries have eased from their highs and the Federal Reserve has made clear that it is in no hurry to tighten US monetary policy.

  That Dollar weakness might have been expected to lift the gold price, while lower yields have reduced the attraction of US Government notes and bonds compared with zero-yielding gold. A catch-up advance is therefore looking overdue.
  If Treasury yields continue to edge off their highs, and the Dollar continues to weaken, the gold price can be expected to strengthen. Moreover, the gold price chart is looking positive.

As the hourly chart above shows, gold has been trading within the bounds of a symmetrical triangle pattern. Given the metal‘s previous advance, that can be seen as a continuation pattern, with gold’s earlier strength likely to resume once trendline resistance is broken. Moreover, it is already testing that resistance and thats a sign that a break higher could now be close.

  Note too that the price is not yet overbought, as shown by the 14-day relative strength index in the lower panel above, which is still below the key 70 level. However, there is one note of caution: IG client sentiment data are sending out a contrarian bearish signal at the time of writing.

Solo WoW Mage Kills Torghast Twisting Corridors Boss While Naked

Solo WoW Mage Kills Torghast Twisting Corridors Boss While Naked

One World of Warcraft player just single-handedly defeated a boss on Floor 18 of the Twisting Corridors in Torghast. Fans of the MMORPG are known for defying the odds and performing incredible feats in the world of Azeroth. Last month, two players defeated a boss designed for 40 people by using powerful combinations and incredible persistence. Although it was incredible that they found a way to destroy Onyxia in 57 minutes, they are far from the only players who have discovered tactics that have helped them succeed during insane encounters.To get more news about buy wow classic gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned, is a relatively new game mode in World of Warcraft. It was released back In November of 2020. It is a multi-floor randomized dungeon for players to explore. The floors of Torghast are randomly generated and contain constantly changing enemies and objectives, making each run wildly unique. Torghast released within Shadowlands, the latest expansion to World of Warcraft. The first few layers of the Tower of the Damned are easy, but defeating the enemies at the higher layers requires in-depth strategies and teamwork. Then come the Twisting Corridors and the final boss, which are even more difficult.
One player defeated the odds by soloing the 18th Floor boss in the Twisting Corridors while completely naked. Ilya Pavlenko (via WoWHead) posted their battle on YouTube, where they defeated a Twisting Corridors boss in the nude, decimating its health with well-timed abilities and powerful spells. The battle takes just under two minutes and showcases just how overpowered mages are when it comes to Torghast.
The bosses of Shadowlands take preparation, strategy, and perseverance to defeat, oftentimes with many players working together. Ilya Pavlenko found a way to eliminate the need for teamwork, taking down the boss singlehanded. The Twisting Corridors are especially difficult and offer an even more difficult challenge than the first floors of the Tower of the Damned. Players must complete various objectives to be allowed into the Twisting Corridors, and they are only granted entry after rescuing Thrall and receiving the Signs of the Lion quest.

There have been other Torghast battles that have been extremely noteworthy, with some World of Warcraft players figuring out how to one-shot bosses or land enormous crits. Mages are one of the common factors to a lot of those achievements and given enough time, these characters can obtain abilities and stats that make them forces to be reckoned with within Torghast. Pavlenko took that challenge to the extreme, making their World of Warcraft character so powerful that even without armor to protect them from deadly attacks and provide buffs, their mage was capable of soloing an extremely challenging boss.

WoW Classic Gold Farming and Earning Guide 2020

WoW Classic Gold Farming and Earning Guide 2020

The difficulty level of earning Gold back in Vanilla days of WoW is shrouded in legends. Tales of players farming for a month straight just to earn enough currency to afford a single epic mount can be heard on guild voice chats to this very day. Many have anticipated the return of this money-struggle with the introduction of Classic. Luckily for us, 15 years of min-maxing, analysis, and MMO gameplay in general, have uncovered the best ways of making WOW Classic Gold without the need for the mindless slaughter of random mobs (considered farming is, however, still a good option - you just have to know where and whom to farm...). Thanks to this knowledge, players are now able to make money much, much faster than in vanilla days, which has a side effect of rapidly growing inflation... This means that prices are higher in Classic than they were in Vanilla, and the demand for proven currency-making methods is considerable. That is why we have decided to share the moneymaking knowledge that we have accumulated by publishing this up-to-date WoW Classic Gold making article.To get more news about buy wow items, you can visit lootwowgold official website.
One of the best ways to make gold is to take up professions very early in the game, basically as soon as they are available. Gathering professions in particular are the best for making money. You'll want to pick two from Mining, Herbalism, and Skinning. Pick whichever you think will mesh the best with what profession you might want to do when you are level 60. Mining goes with Blacksmithing, Herbalism goes with Alchemy, and Skinning goes with Leatherworking.

You should do these while you level up, because your ability to obtain the resources is bound by your skill level in the particular gathering profession. In normal World of Warcraft, you can gather whatever you want and still gain skill points and obtain materials. In WoW Classic, you have to be a certain skill level to gather the resource.As the most relaxing-to-use (or the most boring, depending on how you look at it) profession by far, Fishing allows players to make some easy WoW Classic Gold without the need for gear, level (in most cases), or active farming. This is why many players like to retreat to their favorite fishing spot and just click on the cork from time to time.

The best thing about Fishing in Classic is the fact that many sought-after crafting reagents come exclusively from the seas and rivers of Azeroth. Here are some of the most profitable fish, together with the places where you cand catch them:

Raw Nightfin Snapper - Used in Cooking as the main ingredient for the well-known Nightfin Soup. This fish can be caught only during the Server's nighttime in Moonglade, Un'Goro Crater, Felwood, Feralas, Western Plaguelands, Azshara, Winterspring, Eastern Plaguelands, and other High-level zones, including Raids and Dungeons that feature pools of water. The fact that this fish inhabits only high-level zones means that catching it at low levels might be quite tricky (Druids have it easier thanks to their Teleport: Moonglade).

Stonescale Eel - Alchemy Ingredient used to craft Stoneskin Oil that is, in turn, required for various high-end Alchemy Recipes. Stonescale Eel Swarms can be found along the Western coast of the Stranglethorn Vale and on the northern part of the coast of Tanaris. This fish can also be found in the Bay of Storms, in eastern Azshara, and on the central part of the Feralas's coast.

Deviate Fish - The favorite food of all twinks. This fish is used in the Savory Deviate Delight Recipe and can turn you into a Ninja or a Pirate (at random) when eaten after cooking or provide you with a random buff/debuff when eaten raw. It can only be caught in The Barrens: underground, inside Wailing Caverns and in small pools of water on the surface. The fact that The Barrens is the Horde territory results in Deviate Fish's price disparity between WoW's two factions; it is more lucrative to farm this fish when you are on the Alliance side.



One of the most important aspects of progression in World of warcraft classic is earning gold. By farming gold and building up your reserves, you can purchase the items you need as you level up, and you’ll be in a better position as you get to the higher levels later in the game. Many players start farming early to get their mount once they reach level 40. The best professions to getting your mount are Skinning, Mining, or Herbalism.To get more news about buy wow gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

In this guide, we’ve covered some of the best WoW Classic farming locations, but we advise not to begin farming until you hit at least level 25 to maximize results. You’ll make very little gold during your first 30 levels when compared to levels above this, but we’ve included some locations to ensure you can afford a mount once you reach level 40.To the North, you’ll find the Lesser Rock Elementals, which you can begin from level 35, although you’ll need to be level 40 to do the ones in the South. Restorative Potions, Nature Protective Potions, and Field Repair Bots can be crafted from the Elemental Earth drops here. It’s great for Herbalism and Mining, and vendor trash drops here in the masses.

To the South of this location is a small cave where chests have been known to spawn, definitely worth checking. Skinning is best used here as Dragonskin usually has a decent loot table. Small Flame Sacs can drop, and possibly Tiny Emerald Whelping too.

The last location is another good Skinning spot, but also good for Herbalism and Mining. Drops include Small Flame Sacs, and there’s also a chance of Dark Whelping dropping.

We do hope these locations help you on your way to achieving some decent gold reserves as you reach level 40 and beyond, but if we’ve missed any great spots, share them with us in the comments!

Master's degrees are advanced graduate degrees

Master's degrees are advanced graduate degrees

A master's degree is a postsecondary credential that typically takes 2-3 years to complete. Master's programs may build on undergraduate knowledge or help learners from other disciplines enter a new field.To get more news about Master's degress program, you can visit acem.sjtu.edu.cn official website.

Certain jobs require a graduate degree, such as professor and survey researcher. In professions that don't require it, an advanced degree may help individuals progress to managerial or leadership roles. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that master's graduates in 2019 earned a median of $249 more per week than professionals with only a bachelor's degree.

This guide outlines important information for students considering a master's degree, including types of master's degrees, common master's degree requirements, and answers to frequently asked questions.A master's degree differs from a graduate certificate in terms of content depth, credit requirements, and career options. For instance, master's degrees typically require 30 or more credits, while graduate certificates require 20 or fewer credits. The additional courses required in a master's program mean master's graduates qualify for more advanced positions than certificate-holders.

Details for what a master's degree is, though, vary by master's type. Some of the most common options are explored in detail below.Students in humanities and arts disciplines, such as English, communication, performance, and geography can earn an MA. These programs may also focus on social science topics, like psychology and sociology. MA programs typically use research, writing, and lecturing as primary instruction methods. These degrees may include a thesis and are often completed in two years. Graduates can pursue a variety of careers depending on their field of study. For instance, an MA in communication can lead to public relations and journalism careers, while an MA in geography positions graduates for careers in areas like urban and regional planning.

The types of master's degrees outlined above do not constitute a complete list of the different degrees available. There are several other types, many of which lead to opportunities in specific careers or industries. For instance, a master of teaching may lead to initial teaching certification, and a master of divinity may qualify individuals for pastoral positions. We've listed some of them below.

Master's programs require a bachelor's degree for admission. Some programs require a related bachelor's degree, while others accept students from any discipline. Master's programs may also require a minimum undergraduate GPA and/or prerequisite coursework.

Other common requirements include standardized test scores, such as the GRE or GMAT, industry certifications, and/or professional experience. Master's programs may also require recommendation letters, personal statements, writing samples, transcripts, and resumes or CVs.Degree requirements vary by program. For instance, MSW programs require clinical experience, while MFA programs may require performances or writing projects. Many master's programs also require a thesis.

Credit requirements also vary by school, but most master's programs require 30-60 credits. Additional master's requirements may include final exams, portfolios, projects, and/or minimum GPAs for graduation.Graduate students often pay higher tuition rates than undergraduate learners. Typically, public schools charge lower tuition than private schools. Public institutions also often offer tuition discounts to in-state students. However, some schools allow all online students to pay in-state tuition rates regardless of where they live.

Tuition rates may vary due to credit load since some schools charge part- and full-time learners different tuition rates. Additionally, students who exceed full-time courseloads may pay a course overload fee. Master's students can take advantage of financial aid opportunities to help offset the cost of their education, such as scholarships, grants, and fellowships.

Los 3 Mejores Indicadores de Forex Para el Trading Diario

Los 3 Mejores Indicadores de Forex Para el Trading Diario

El Trading diario es muy desafiante, pero puede ser extremadamente gratificante. Este artículo describe los 3 mejores indicadores que el autor cree que son los más adecuados para convertirlo en un trader rentable.To get more news about indicador, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

  Para empezar, lo primero que posiblemente debería señalar es que hay una cierta cantidad de sesgo personal al tratar de averiguar los "mejores" indicadores de Forex. Esto se hace a través del prisma de la experiencia más que cualquier otra cosa, y debe tenerse en cuenta que el trading es una cosa muy personal, sin embargo, estoy más que dispuesto a compartir lo que he encontrado que son los tres mejores indicadores de Forex para el trading del día, incluyendo lo que yo consideraría el mejor indicador de Forex non-repainting en el trading diario.

Indicadores de Repainting vs. Non-Repainting
  Para comprender este artículo, es necesario entender los conceptos que se adjuntan al mismo. Cuando alguien se refiere a un indicador como "repainting" o "no repainting", simplemente significa si el cálculo cambia o no con el tiempo. Esto implica típicamente tomar un cálculo que mira hacia atrás y calcular algún tipo de promedio u oscilación para trazar adónde puede o no puede ir el mercado. El mayor problema de un indicador de repainting es que obviamente se desviará con el tiempo. Por ejemplo, si se utiliza un indicador que rastrea las últimas veinte velas, con el tiempo ese indicador se verá influido por las nuevas velas que entren en el mercado. No necesariamente mira hacia atrás a los principales puntos de la historia, ni mira hacia adelante a lo que podría ser el comportamiento en el mercado.

  De hecho, uno de los mayores problemas que tienen los indicadores de repainting es que siempre se vuelven a probar bien, al menos a primera vista. Después de todo, si el indicador se corrige a sí mismo para adaptarse al mercado, entonces se ve mejor cuanto más tiempo funciona. No obstante, en el calor del momento no significa necesariamente que el indicador te haya dado toda la información que necesitabas. Como con cualquier indicador, nunca se debe mirar una señal de un indicador específico como una razón para tomar una operación. Es simplemente la confirmación de la acción del precio que usted espera lograr.

La EMA Clásica
  Sé que esto suena un poco pasado de moda, pero uno de los indicadores más efectivos es el humilde promedio móvil. Después de todo, la EMA (Media Móvil Exponencial) es algo que es seguido por muchos otros traders, por lo que le da cierta credibilidad a su uso debido al hecho de que muchas otras personas los estarán observando. De cualquier manera, va un poco más allá de eso, ya que también te da una idea de cuál puede ser la tendencia para el marco de tiempo que se está negociando.

  Por ejemplo, puedes usar un promedio móvil exponencial para determinar la tendencia a largo plazo, pero también puedes esperar hasta que tu promedio móvil exponencial favorito a corto plazo se alinee con el más grande. Como ejemplo, puedes usar la EMA de 200 días para determinar la tendencia a largo plazo y esperar a que la EMA de 9 se vuelva a tu favor en los gráficos a corto plazo, la cual te darán una señal de trading como se muestra abajo. Observe cómo tan pronto como la EMA 9 descendió, comenzó una tendencia más grande para el resto del día en el gráfico de cinco minutos. Esto también coincide con la tendencia a la baja en el gráfico diario. Esto puede mantenerte en la misma dirección que el "gran dinero", y quizás aún más importante, el "gran impulso".
El RSI, o "Índice de Fuerza Relativa", es un indicador que mide exactamente lo que dice que hace la fuerza relativa. Esencialmente toma el impulso utilizado por los profesionales del análisis técnico para medir el cambio de precio reciente en un par de divisas para determinar si el mercado va a ser considerado como sobrecomprado o sobrevendido. Es un oscilador que se muestra en la parte inferior del gráfico, con una lectura entre 0 y 100. Ha existido durante aproximadamente cincuenta años, y muchos traders lo usan en varios marcos de tiempo.

  La idea básica detrás de este indicador es que las tendencias a veces tienden a ser un poco exageradas, y por lo tanto usted debe ver una inversión ocasional cuando las cosas ya se han salido de las manos. Existe lo que se conoce como un "período retrospectivo", que comúnmente son 14 velas. Puedes cambiarlo, por supuesto, pero el estándar es ese número en particular. El RSI medirá el porcentaje de ganancia de las últimas 14 velas, midiendo un promedio. Como ejemplo, tal vez un par de divisas ha cerrado 10 de los últimos 14 días con una ganancia promedio del 1%. Los 4 días restantes tuvieron una pérdida promedio de -0.5%. El indicador calcula entonces las cifras correspondientes, y lo coloca en el oscilador debajo del gráfico. El indicador aumentará a medida que el número de cierres positivos aumenten junto con el tamaño, y disminuirá a medida que aumente el número y el tamaño de las velas perdidas. A través de un algoritmo de suavizado, el indicador determina entonces si estamos o no sobrecomprados o sobrevendidos.

  Cuando el indicador lee más del 70%, entonces el mercado está en peligro de ser sobrecomprado. Cuando el indicador lee por debajo del 30%, entonces indica que el mercado está en peligro de ser sobrevendido. Es en este punto que el trader comienza a buscar oportunidades en la dirección opuesta, o simplemente busca tomar ganancias si ya están con esa tendencia. Este, por supuesto, es un indicador de repainting, porque mueve su cálculo junto con las 14 velas anteriores, lo que significa que la siguiente vela causará la caída de una de las velas anteriores y mira hacia atrás una cantidad estática de distancia.

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